Friday, January 15, 2016


HAPPY FRIDAY and the start of a 3 day weekend for me.  No big plans, but an extra day off does the heart good.
I must share this amazing rug.  I wish I had a better picture and some close up shots.  This is Gail's first completed rug.  It is her own design and her hooking is absolute perfection.  It is perfectly flat and has not yet been steamed.  Every loop is the same height.  I'm guessing it was hooked in a 4 and a 6 cut.  Just breathtaking.  This gal is one fine hooker :)

I received this sweet heart from Julia in South Carolina.  I have made so many friendships because of this blog.  It is hanging in my hooking room where I can admire it daily.

Beautiful stitches.  Thanks so much Julia ~ for this heart and for your friendship.

I have no braided edge to share with you.  I got the wool strips braided, but made an error in joining the ends of the braid in to a circle.  Teacher Sue is coming to my rescue and is going to fix it for me.  By the time the error was discovered, it was already 8:30 and I still had an hour drive home.  Me thinks you will need to find a You Tube video because there is no way I can 'splain it to you.  So sorry :(
Just a reminder that there are still a couple more days to enter my give-away.
Thanks so much for stopping by. 
Pug hugs :)


  1. That is a beautiful rug and a beautiful heart. I love crazy quilting but I need to sit down and practice more stitches.


  2. That's her first rug? Geez. She's been holding out!

  3. Wow her first rug! Amazing, Have a fun weekend. Cheri

  4. Beautiful work ! The heart is a treasure.
    Enjoy your heavenly three days off. ;)

  5. beautiful rug! and that heart is adorable!

  6. I'm behind on blog reading again. Loved seeing your projects in the last post though. That rug you show here is beautiful! And the heart is so pretty too. Crazy quilts always appeal to me.

  7. Beautiful heart given to a woman with a big heart. My first hooked project never looked that good, she's going to produce a lot of magnificent rugs and bet we will see her in Celebrations one day soon.

    Can't remember if I signed up for your giveaway in the other post or not but will go back and do so now to be sure.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. OOPS, the deleted comment was a hiccup of the one above. But I also forgot to mention that I'm stealing that first picture on your blog. I LOVE IT!!!!!

  10. Wow, that rug is perfection... Love the heart. You deserve it. Enjoy your work free weekend. Make time for you...

  11. Oh my her first rug? Look out rug hooking world she is taking over. Love your heart so sweet.
    Enjoy your extra day off.

  12. What a beautiful rug! And that heart is so very, very pretty. I love the stitching. I'm seeing a lot of amazing hearts out here in blogland and starting to get "heart fever". LOL I need to get going if I want to have one done before Valentine's Day.

  13. beautiful hooking! such a lovely heart

  14. Wow! Thats a beautiful rug!! Some people have that talent for perfection! Love , love hearts,,,,, must hook some,,,,,

  15. Gail's first rug???? Incredible. And I adore the CQ heart. Lucky you. By the way, I can be the queen of sarcasm. I say it came from years as an ER and then Corrections nurse.

  16. They are both beautiful. What talent for her first time out. Have been looking at hearts lately and if I do not get started soon, February 14th will be here and gone ... and I will once again be "a Day late and a $ short".

    Enjoyed my visit ... Peace and Blessings to all, Barb

  17. Morning Lauren, what a beautiful rug indeed and the heart is so pretty. Talented hands,Blessings Francine.

  18. That rug really and truly is amazing! Puts my first...and last....and every in between shame. I also adore the heart from Julia... what beautiful stitching! Ahhh...braiding... Hmmmm....I've done that...I LIKED doing it.... Would I be able to remember how to do it again at this point? Likely not. This bird brain ain't what it used to be..... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (Am I caught up yet LOL?)


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)