Friday, November 6, 2015


I haven't made much progress on my challenge rug, and though I have not yet chosen the wool for the dog, I have been working a bit on the background.  I dug through all my worms and small pieces of wool and chose anything and everything light colored.  Some is wool I dyed and some is off the bolt.  I'm guessing there are at least 12-15 different wools.  I'm really liking it :)

We have had some absolutely beautiful weather here on Ohio's north coast.  More like September than November and I'm lovin' it.  It is beginning to change . . . sigh. 
I have two huge maple trees in my front yard that don't have good fall color and those dang things don't lose most of their leaves until late November and in to December.  Now my neighbors' maple tree is always gorgeous.

Tomorrow I'm off to play with hooker friend Melissa.  We hope to meet up with Ohio friend Sheila and Michigan friends Bobbie and Earlene.  Hopefully I won't find too much I can't live without :)
Just minutes ago, this is the sky looking west over my neighbor's house.  Breathtaking.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Your rug start is beautiful. Just like the sunset. Have fun with your hooker friends.

  2. Gorgeous sky! Your rug is looking great already. Loving the mix for the background. Have fun hooking with the girls!

  3. I'm loving those colors too. So soft and muted. You have a great beginning. Your sunset is a big contrast to our somber foggy day. No sunshine at all today but the temperature was 16°C. or 60.8°F.

    Have a relaxing and fun weekend with your hooker friends...

  4. Great light background with wonderful woolens. Sadly temperatures are going to change here too. Your yard is nothing compared to the blanket of leaves in mine. Have fun with the hookers.

  5. Love your wool and have a great time tomorrow! We have had that warm weather so wonderful it is almost 7 pm and I am out on the porch ahhhhh.
    pretty sky.

  6. Ooh I'm loving how the background looks. Have fun with the gals and I hope you find some treasures. Beautiful sky - red sky at night, sailors delight

  7. Love what I see so far, nice color choices.
    The sunset is beautiful, I love sitting on the porch and watching the colors, I can't see the actual sunset, but the colors glow across the sky and into the clouds.


  8. I love all the light colored neutrals you pulled for the background. They look beautiful hooked. Great November sky.

  9. I love all your light wools for the background! The more the merrier! It will be awesome!!

  10. Lovely colors for your rug! We have been blessed with lovely weather. I spend my days sweeping out my garage. It seems to be a magnet for all the fallen leaves. lol Have a good weekend!

  11. We have been enjoying some of that gorgeous warm weather here too! I love the colors you are picking for your new project! You girls have a wonderful time out and about! Hugs Marg.

  12. Have a wonderful day today. Your sunset was lovely. The last of our trees loose leaves in December too. This year may be different, I found that interesting about the trees in your yard.
    I love the colors you have chosen for your challenge rug.

  13. Nice to see the sunshine here finally, enjoy the day!!! Great wool colours you choose, love them...Blessings Francine.


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