Monday, November 2, 2015

Challenge Rug ~

I am participating in the "Out of Hand Rug Hookers Hook-a-Long and Challenge" on Facebook.  (WHEW!  That's a mouthful.)  We were given maybe 15 motifs to choose from to design a rug at least 18" x 28".  You could use as few or as many as you wished.
Magdalena Briner was my inspiration.  Here's my design before transferring to my linen backing.
I think my rooster came out pretty good :)

Bobbie was able to identify this wool as Milk and Honey by Heavens to Betsy.  I love the way it hooked up.  The color in the bottom picture is the true color.
Progress so far.  I was going to put an LF in the left corner.  I wanted it to blend in, but I think I need to hook more around it to see if it is going to work.  I also need to tweak my fat-headed mouse.  I think I need to move his hind "legs" further back.  He looks like he is on wheels . . . lol.

So far, this is fun.  I may not get any of my Christmas gifts made . . . sigh . . . but there's always next year, right?
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It looks great Lauren. This was a fun challenge. I hope she does another as now I know just how stiff the competition is

  2. I love your layout and I love your wool choices, that is a beautiful rug.


  3. Love it Lauren! such great color.

  4. Hi Lauren,
    Love your rug!! I'm sure it is fun to hook and I love your color choices!! I laughed out loud when I read about your mouse!!! He is just so anxious to get to his cheese!!!!
    Take care and enjoy your week!!
    Warm Hugs~

  5. I love it! don't change the big headed mouse because he needs wheels to get him around in a hurry!

  6. Your rug looks great ! Nice color choices.
    Looks like a fun project.

  7. Beautiful wool and rug--makes me want to get motivated hooking mine

  8. I'm not on Facebook but I would like to see all the different rugs in this challenge. Yours is coming along so nicely. You always have great taste in colors.
    I'm binding a hit and miss rug I made in last year.

    Have a great week Lauren.

  9. Like your design and color choices as always. I laughed when you said the mouse looked like he was on wheels because that is what I thought when looking at him and before seeing your comment. He'll look perfect when you finish tho.

  10. So cute Lauren, I have to tell you that Ron after drawing out patterns with me, just loved your rug. He thought you were doing such a great job. I thought that was something you wouldn't normally hear. :) I love your hooking.
    Have a lovely week.

  11. So delightful! Can't wait to see what you do with the background!

  12. Wonderful rug Lauren, love the colours too.Blessings Francine.

  13. Oh, this is going to be a wonderful rug!!!


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