Sunday, November 8, 2015

Gathered Treasures ~ Simple Goods

Two antique/primitive shows were held in Mansfield, Ohio, yesterday, only about 10 minutes from each other.  I headed out with friend Melissa and met up with friends Sheila, Bobbie and Earlene.  We first went to Gathered Treasures, one of my favorite shows.  We got there when it opened and it was a mass of humanity.  Much too crowded for me.  The older I get, the less I like crowds.  Many of the booths you couldn't even get in to browse and the ones you could get in, I found it hard to really see what they had to offer.  I guess I was just too distracted, but that didn't stop me from finding a few treasures.  The kitty is not old, but so sweet.  (The little putz sheep was a purchase from Simple Goods.)
I was pleasantly surprised to find this on the bottom.  

I collect old figural Christmas bulbs and purchased 4 of them.  One went home with Melissa.  I wire the top and use them on a tree during the Christmas season.

Next we headed to Simple Goods.  To be honest, I am not a big fan of the show, but I knew the tin lighting vendor would be there and I was hoping to purchase a bedside table lamp.  I find many prices laughable (ie, a mirror maybe 4" x 5", though early, $300.00.  Puleeze.).
I had no intention of purchasing anything much, but I fell in love with this sampler.  My mom's initials were AKD and I thought EKD was close enough . . . lol.  How's that for rationale?  Dated 1843, I'm assuming it's a British sampler because of the crowns.  It was in a horrible new, cheap frame so I've already removed it and will see if I have an old frame in my stash that I can make work.

I've never noticed antique paisley at shows before, but found 3 vendors that had four large pieces.  I purchased this wonderful large piece (see the next two pictures for truer color) with the intention of selling half to Melissa.  Now I'm not sure if I want to cut it.  It is in beautiful condition . . .

. . . except for this one tear.  I don't believe I'll be cutting it any time soon.

By the time I got to the lighting booth, selection was very limited.  I could have ordered one, but chose to purchase this lamp.  Perhaps a little too small, but I do like it and can always find another spot for it if I find something else.
The little hit and miss mat is the 3rd thing I hooked ~ back in 2005.  Then I hooked all very small pieces and they used to take me many hours.  Thankfully I've gotten to be a faster hooker.

I can't believe the weekend is over already.  This will be a busy week with hooking two evenings, but Wednesday is a holiday so that will be a nice break.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I'm glad you were a little bad and came home with a few treasures. I've never seen those old figurine bulbs. How cool!! I don't like crowds anymore either. I find it stressful

  2. It all looks wonderful, Lauren! THat paisley is to die for!! How gorgeous...I'm not sure I would be cutting it either! I love your lamp....I wish like heck I had purchased one..since I really didn't buy anything else at the show. You're right...way too expensive for me too.....kind of rediculous....I don't know how any of those vendors can make any money...oh's fun just to look and dream!!

  3. I have a few of those bulbs I have a Santa's head and a couple of birds. I am with you I would not cut that piece up. I love your new lamp. I hate crowds too so it limits where I will go at this time of year.

  4. I love all of your treasures and I love that paisley What a nice large piece. I really like that lamp too. Your cat and lamb looks great too. You are always doing such fun things Lauren. Have a lovely week. It sounds like you will.

  5. You did real good with finding treasures. too bad ther was such a crowd but then, you would have bought so much more. I think that you did fantastic. Too bad there's a tear in the paisley but you can cover it with a wooden bowl.
    Nice little lamp.
    Have a nice new week.

  6. Great finds. We have a barn store that has two floors of antiques and new prims, my favorite place to go every so often to see what is new.


  7. Hi Lauren, love the kitty, wish I had gone back to Simple Goods... Love your work, so talented.Blessings Francine.

  8. Beautiful, beautiful items !
    When I see the worn area on the paisley- it looks like that was the center of the fabric and maybe just "broke down" from continuous folding of the fabric ?
    It is very lovely. The lamp you purchased is a find also ;)

  9. What some great finds, Lauren!! That paisley is gorgeous, I would not cut it either!!

  10. I love to go to shows like those but the crowds really turn me off. I get claustophobic and I want to be able to look! I love the paisley and I would not cut it!!

  11. Wow Lauren - You hit the jackpot with those paisley shawls! I've never seen them anywhere before either. I went to an antique show Saturday too, and only came home with one glove stretcher (minus the thumb) and one sock stretcher to add to my collection. I could have spent a TON of money though cuz there were some really good things!

  12. So glad to see you Lauren even though not for long.
    Love the new light.
    Enjoy your Wednesday off!!!!!

  13. OMGosh - lucky Lauren finding that wonderful red and white sampler. Lots of American samplers have crowns on them too. Families still loyal to country and crown even in the new world. Glad you had fun even if the crowds were trying. Hope you have a holiday today - we do not ! Enjoy Mel


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