Friday, September 25, 2015

More Lakeside Fun ~

One just never knows what to expect from Katie Allman of Kid'l de Divey Woolens.  Saturday evening dinner was one of those times.  Since this year's theme was Horsin' Around at the Lake ~ a Rootin' Tootin' Good Time, Sam the Bartender from Gunsmoke showed up, serving us Sarsaparilla.

Sheriff Matt Dillon also paid us a visit . . .

. . . along with Miss Kitty. 

The annuals at Lakeside are still beautiful.  Most hanging baskets are already looking weary, but not this one.  It consists of two pots and is probably 5' across.
Wikipedia defines a cairn as "a human-made pile (or stack) of stones".  I posted pictures of these last year, but I think they have been added to.  I just love the fact that no one disturbs them.  In so many places, that would not be the case.
Eke and Zeke is very near completion and I've decided on my next project.  It is another Lori Brechlin pattern, Old Tom.  I've never hooked a turkey so we'll see how I do on this one.  It is a small  pattern, measuring approximately 12" x 15", so it should hook up quickly. 

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. So much fun at Lakeside, what a hoot!!!!!! Beautiful flowers still, Love the stones.Blessings Francine.

  2. What fun you are all having and it is fun to be silly;) I have seen rock piles all over now, even at the rivers in NH. Love the old tom, sometimes simple can be more fun.


  3. What a fun time!! I like those rocks too. So interesting. I have wanted to hook Old Tom since last year too. It looks like a very nice pattern. I hope you have a lovely Saturday.

  4. Sounds like you had fun! Love the Cairns!! It is so wonderful that no one bothers them. Love the Tom Turkey. Would love to get together and hook!Have a lovely weekend!

  5. Looks like you gals are having a great time. Makes me look forward to our October retreat all the more!

  6. I'm SO far behind in reading blogs since being at rug camp myself. Looks like a grande time was had by all and lots of laughter there too. I've a photo of Kris' Old Tom from camp and one that another student in our class was hooking. Will eventually get to posting those pictures.

  7. Miss Kitty's tat tat's are showing! Looks like fun. I did a turkey last year now to dig it out


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