Tuesday, September 22, 2015

More Lakeside Fun ~

Oh, I hate being so technologically challenged.  Most of the Lakeside pictures are on my phone, and tonight I can't get a one downloaded to my desktop or to my blog :(  Here are a few I had on the digital camera.  
Bobbie ended up in jail a couple times.  This time was because she made a disparaging remark about the Ohio State Buckeyes and proceeded to yell "GO BLUE".  To get out of jail, someone had to post bail ~ a quarter yard of wool.
Sue with her sad face.
Arlene hard at work on her bathing beauties.  She had already finished two works in progress.

Polly with her completed rug.  Upon completion of a rug, you got a free pony ride :)

That's it for today.  I really hope I can sweet talk someone in to helping me get the pictures to my desktop.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It looks like everyone is having a fun time, as well as, making some beautiful rugs.


  2. LOL you ladies look hilarious!!!!!
    Blast had by all!!!!!

  3. It looks like a lot of fun was had

  4. OMG, that sounds like so much fun. I wish I was computer savvy, I would help you in a heart beat but I'm so not techy at all. I still don't even have a smart phone.
    I hope someone can walk you through it.


  5. I email thee pictures from my phone to myself. Then use my laptop or iPad to save the pictures to my virtual photo album or hard drive. From there I can upload to the blog. Low tech but it works :)

  6. Omg that sounds like so much fun. Jail and pony rides!! Lauren, just email the pics to yourself then open and save on desktop

  7. So much fun....in jail or not....Katie always puts on the best and most fun hook ins!!

  8. Oh that is the cutest thing I ever saw and what fun and what laughs. I wish I could help you, but when it comes to computers I feel like I am all thumbs.

  9. What a great time, love those in jail pictures!!!!! Blessings Francine.


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