Monday, September 28, 2015

In the Spirit of Friends ~

Saturday I took a quick trip to Malabar Farm for the antique/primitive show, In the Spirit of Friends.  How funny that I know more people an hour and a half from home than I do when I go some place locally. 
I did make a few small purchases.  Heavens knows that I don't need to buy anything, but I can't come home empty handed :)
This little wall box is just sweet.  Maybe vintage but definitely not antique. 
I'm a sucker for boxes.  This one is missing its lid . . . 

. . . but has amazing dovetails . . . 

. . . and the most wonderful inlaid heart shaped escutcheon. 

Two vintage ornaments ~ a pipe cleaner Santa and a glass bead star.

Stacy Nash was there with the most beautiful hand dyed velveteens.  I only bought 1/8 of a yard, but would have loved to buy more.  I don't need to start a stash of velveteen :)
My sister was in town for her class reunion.  I won't say how many years ago she graduated.  I won't even say how many years ago I graduated.  Here she is with grandson Jake and #2 badboy J.  I think Jake will be taller than she is next time she comes to town.

My sister is not a dog person so of course Ellie wouldn't leave her alone.

That's about all that is happening on Ohio's north coast.  Thanks so much for the visit.
Pug hugs :)



  1. Love your new treasures. I'm the same way, don't
    need a thing. Grandson, Jared, was taller than me
    last weekend. For the first time. He's 12. Julia

  2. Great new wood pieces, I do love boxes and almost bought one this weekend, but think I need to declutter the house and then redecorate;)


  3. I just love the box with the candy corn !
    You found some great treasures.
    For not liking dogs, your sister is really being a good sport, while Ellie was giving kisses !!

  4. Ilove your finds that box is jut right to fill with fall or winter goodies.

  5. We loved the show but did not find many goodies like you did... My husband bought Stacie Nash's pattern for the little pillow tuck she was selling...The weather was perfect and I volunteer there at Malabar and Sunday was just a busy as Sat. SANDI.

  6. Morning Lauren, great buys, that box is wonderful, love that heart inlay. Funny how dogs go for the none lovers, lol!!!!! Blessings Francine.

  7. My DIL isn't a dog person either and Ben won't leave her alone. It is as if they are saying, "to know me is to love me".

  8. So glad you felt well enough to go to Malabar! That is always such a nice show. I love your wall box, antique or not and the candy corn is just perfect! Nice that your sister came for a visit...I'm not a dog person either, but that little Ellie is so darn sweet!!

  9. Your lucky your only an hour and a half away.
    Like your goodies you found.

  10. Hi Lauren,
    Your new boxes are just wonderful......especially the one with the heart!! I LOVE hearts, so I would have picked that one out too!! Your boys are so cute and I'll bet Jake will be taller as well!! They grow so fast!!!
    Your sister looks like she is enjoying those doggie kisses even though she isn't a dog person!! Who could resist sweet Ellie?
    Take care and have a wonderful week!
    Warm Hugs~

  11. Lol. Love the pic of Ellie. They are so funny, she just wants everyone to love her

  12. Love your dove-tailed box with the heart shaped key thingy.....sweet! I googled the show that you went to and it looks like it was pretty great!!!! All of our shows are starting....hoping to hit one this weekend!!! How is it that dogs know just who needs some kissing?!

  13. Oh I am so glad you went to Malabar!! Someday I am going! I love all of the wonderful things you bought. It looks like so much fun you have your family there. Isn't that just the way it is, when someone doesn't like a cat or a dog, that is who the animal wants to be with? Always makes me laugh. Have a great week.

  14. Oh I love that box with the heart! I see nothing wrong with starting a stash of velveteen...sounds wonderful!

  15. Hi Lauren... I just have to say the hook-ins you attend appear to be so much fun...such great ladies...three rugs at once, you go the treasures too...Mr. Jake is getting so tall and very grown up...Miss Ellie has good taste!!! Sending greetings from Maine...


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