Sunday, September 20, 2015

Horsin' Around at the Lake ~

Horsin' Around at the Lake is already just a fond memory.  What a fun time.  Katie Allman is THE BEST.  {{Love you Katie.}}  If you ever get a chance to take a class from Katie, you won't be sorry.  She is one of the sweetest, funniest hookers (or persons) you will ever meet.  You just never know what to expect from her.  Though I've been home since late morning, the day has slipped away, so I will share rugs from the throw down since they are on my camera.  I need to transfer pictures from my phone to my desktop which for me is a real challenge.  If I know the who hooked the rug, I will have it under the picture.  I am sorry I don't know who hooked some of them.
56" x 56"

Connie ~ our overachiever.  She hooked this in a day and a half. 
If she didn't have to leave early, I'm sure she would have finished it.


Close up of the witch :)





Bobbie - one of my partners in crime

Melissa - another partner in crime
Sheila - my third partner in crime
Mary Kay


Linda C


Linda P - hooked from photographs - in a 3 cut!!!





My rug.  Eke and Zeke from Spruce Ridge Studios.  It is much more muted in person and I still need to finish the face.  I'm not happy with the nose and mouth.  The green background is the dye formula that Saundra shared on her blog.  I liked it so much on her two Halloween rugs, I decided to be a copy cat.  Friday I thought I might be able to finish it, but I just wasted too much time on Saturday.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful time and beautiful rugs, as well as your halloween piece. That looks like fun to hook.


  2. I always love your rugs. The ones you took pictures of are very nice too. Yes, me too, this day just got away from me as well.

  3. Lots of talent!!!!!
    Don't you hate days like that to end when your having so much fun!

  4. Love seeing all the beautiful rugs! Love your rug too! It all makes me wish I were a rug hooker.

  5. You really got a lot hooked. You did look very serious in that fb pic ;)
    Thanks for the rug show. Lots of inspiration

  6. You really got a lot done for horsing around the Lake and having fun. It sounds like you had more fun that is allowed. Thanks for sharing the rug show with us. I'm amazed on how many names you remembered to go with the rugs.

    I hope that you have a great week Lauren. Can't believe Autumn starts today... I'm flying home tomorrow evening.

  7. Hi Lauren,
    I am so behind on my blog reading so I just now am responding!! Sounds like you had a great time!!! Love all the rugs too!! I especially love YOUR rug and believe it not, I have been working on the same thing, only in punch needle!!! Love the colors you chose!! Isn't it amazing how we all can take a pattern and make it look so different?? That is the beauty and joy of creating!! Such fun!!
    Have a great week!
    Warm Hugs~

  8. I think I saw your photo on FB ! WOW you made great progress. Loved seeing all the rugs. Hope you had fun - back to work urghhh - Mel

  9. great rugs I hooked the first rug shown she had great color choices. Love your rug and the green is perfect.

  10. Lots of great rugs! Never did learn how to rug hook!

  11. I have been finding all sorts of "hobbies" since I had to retire. Started with beading, then went to quilting and felting. Now I'm intrigued with the rug hooking I've been seeing online. We did rugs back in the 60's, but they were called "latch hook" and we used yarn cut into 3 inch lengths and hooked them thru the backing with a knot. These are apparently a lot different. But I like these better and they are much prettier.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)