Wednesday, September 30, 2015

In Progress ~

I put my Ellie rug aside (pattern by Primitive Junky, you can find it here) . . .
. . . to work on Eke and Zeke (pattern designed by Lori Brechlin and sold by Spruce Ridge Studio, you can find it here) . . .

I am so close
(I need to work on the pumpkin's eyes
and the cat's face),
I should just finish it :)
. . . to be put aside to work on  Old Tom (another pattern by Lori Brechlin, found here). 

I usually don't have so many rugs in progress.  I guess I'd better get busy.  Have any of you joined the hooking challenge with the Out of Hand Rug Hookers on Facebook?  Just what I don't need is to start another rug, but I think I may join in.  What I really should be hooking is a few Christmas presents.  I mean, tomorrow is October 1.  How did that happen?
Thanks for much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, thanks so much for reminding me that Thursday is Oct. 1. Now we even have a hurricane headed up the Eastern Atlantic states. Maybe on Tuesday, I will finally get this heavy boot off my right foot. I have been toting it around since July 4th.

  2. Lauren I adore all of your in-progress rugs. Presently I have two in-progress: my sheep rug and NFF Nantucket Broom Ride. And YES! I have joined the challenge and printed out the motifs. Visions of pattern designs are swirling around my mind. HUGS

  3. Evening Lauren, all your rugs are so adorable.Blessings Francine.

  4. I joined and I keep wondering the same thing but it looks like fun. I love every single thing you are working on right now. In fact, I ordered that turkey pattern from Lori. I have wanted to do that turkey since last year.
    I do think I am going to loose my mind, I have so many rugs going around in my head. :) Have a lovely Thursday

  5. So many rugs, so little time. I love them all. And yes, I joined. What am I thinking?????

  6. Good morning Lauren! Been checking out your blog waiting for you to start Old Tom. I just drew him out on linen last evening & pulled some wool. I like your neutral Tom, I think I will do mine in some fall colors. Too many choices from the piles of wool! Headed outside this morning to cut back some flowers & clean up the yard, so maybe this evening will be hooking time!

  7. all of them! What fun to have these in progress! Looking forward to seeing them finished.

  8. Love all your rugs...especially sweet Ellie! You reminded me I have a Old Tom draw on linen somewhere around here and need to get hooking. Can't wait to see finishes.

  9. Your rugs are wonderful Lauren!! :)

  10. Love watching all of the different rugs and colors you come up with. I have been wanting to order the turkey pattern from Lori but just haven't done it yet. I hook in a hoop/stand and want to get some other type. What do you use and what would you recommend?


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)