Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Still not Packed ~

It's 8:30 pm and the clothes are finally in the dryer.  I must pack tonight because I am working tomorrow until noon and leaving for Lakeside at 1:00.  Nothing like procrastinating!  At least my hooking supplies (and wine) are packed ;)  A hooker's gots to have priorities.
Yesterday's hook in had the most wonderful door prizes.  Here is a sampling.


Some of the rugs in the show ~

Rug detail

Looks like my work visitor :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. NIce rugs and door prizes!! Maybe next year I can go to that hook looks like it was a lot of fun!! See you tomorrow! I haven't packed a thing...not even wool!

  2. I love the rugs and the door prizes have a great time.

  3. You are one of the most busiest hookers I've known LOL
    You go to a lot of hook-in's and that's just awesome...there are none around me, none that are close enough that is.
    I love your priorities my friend! lol
    What beautiful rugs you show here - the one with the Christmas trees on it they look almost like they are dimensional....just beautiful
    Have fun

  4. I'm sure you will have a blast with those crazy Ohio girls and their antics. Looking forward to all the fun pics you take and what everyone is hooking.

    Thanks for the rug show and you're right, great door prizes!!!

  5. Oh Lauren, you will have fun!!!! Love all those hooked pieces!!!! Blessings Francine.

  6. Lauren,
    What great rugs you showed along with the wonderful door prizes. But which door prize did you get? And beside vending, are you working on a rug at this hookin? Inquiring people ( that's big words for Nosy Nellys) want to know.
    take care,

  7. Wow that is some talented hookers. Door prizes were fantastic. You have a fun, safe trip...and yes that wine is very important.

  8. get packin' woman ! love those door prizes - WOW !
    give Katie a hug and tell her it's from Mel - enjoy !

  9. Hope you're all ready to go by now (Thursday evening). Have a wonderful weekend!! Hook on!!

  10. Like you, I was packing just before going to be before I came to Ottawa and I was leaving at 5:00 am. That's cutting it pretty close.
    I love the door prizes and a great rug show.

    Have fun.

  11. Hi Lauren, I received the Celebration book yesterday i love it!!
    I also found an envelope with a darling necklace that says Rug hooker which put the biggest smile on my face. Thank you so very much. It made my week. Hugs cheri

  12. Have a great time. I know you will

  13. Thanks for all the pictures!
    The first one and the last one are my favorites.


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