Tuesday, August 11, 2015

SoCal ~

We had a fun-filled, busy time in the Los Angeles area, the first stop of our trip.
Our first stop was my son's job site . . . a house being built for a famous Hollywood couple.  The company my son works for is doing the finishing carpentry.

Front of the house

Nice view from beyond the pool :)

Tools of the trade

Our next stop was the Reagan Library in Simi Valley.

Having a talk with his hero :)

Dinner that evening with son Bill and girlfriend Melisa.

The next day on to the USS Iowa at the LA Waterfront.


San Pedro Aquarium.  I could sit all day and watch the moon jellies.

We headed to the San Pedro Lighthouse, but it was closed for the day.  My son proceeded to tell us about the Sunken City.  It is a closed area and one can be arrested for trespassing.  You had to scale a fence and walk down this embankment (cliff???) to get to the restricted area. 

We were feeling wild and crazy, so decided to take the chance (along with DOZENS of other people).  Let me tell you, not a wise thing to do in sandals, but I did it :)

Graffiti everywhere.

I would like to have explored further, but decided with my sandal issue, it really wasn't a good idea.  Getting out was scarier than getting in.  I'm sure we were the oldest trespassers of the day :)

Look at the size of this tree.
A visit to a Civil War Museum.  I had no idea California had any part in the Civil War.

And the Maritime Museum.  Aren't these wooden boats gorgeous?

That's it for today.  Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Thanks so much for taking us along on this trip. i love every minutes of it, especially the trespassing bit,

  2. I can't believe you went trespassing Lauren!! LOL!! Wink! It sounds like so much fun... and so many cool things to see and do there! Your son must love his job! I love those moon jellies.... fascinating!
    Cathy G

  3. That was fun! I'm proud of you for the trespassing adventure. Finish carpentry - something unheard of around here. What a house.

  4. Hi Lauren,
    Wow!! This was one memorable trip for you!! Everything from jelly fish to trespassing!! So happy you had such a great time!!
    What an amazing house too!!
    Have a great week!
    Warm Hugs~

  5. You have made the day. Wonderful trip with your family. Have a nice day!

  6. Lauren.....you rule-breaking trespasser! I am so impressed. Lol

  7. You wild woman you! Breaking the law and trespassing with sandals no less. Enjoyed this post very much, thanks for the tour and didn't even have to leave my house.

  8. I see you were living dangerously! :) Nice house being built. Moon jellies are fascinating creatures.

  9. Stinkin FUN!
    Beautiful home and family!

  10. WOW! Thanks for the tour!
    Sounds like you had a wonderful trip.

  11. Gosh I never heard of the sunken city. It looks like you had such a blast. Your son and his girl friend are cuties. Cool house too.
    I am so glad you took pictures. I am enjoying your vacation. :)

  12. AMAZING PICTURES Lauren!!!!!!! Great vacation!

  13. Wow Lauren, what great pictures and places you went to. Loved the pictures,Francine.

  14. LOVE all the photos...great vacation!!

  15. Oh it looks like you had a great time. and the weather was wonderful.


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