Thursday, August 13, 2015

Hearst Castle ~

After leaving the LA area, our next stop was the Hearst Castle., located in San Simeon.  The "casa grande" is 60,645 square feet and has 56 bedrooms, 61 bathrooms, 19 sitting rooms . . .
I believe it contains over 22,500 antiques and artifacts and that was just a small portion of what William Randolph Hearst amassed. 
Here is a sampling of the beauty.
Outside . . .

I'm not sure if the outdoor pool was not filled because of the severe drought or renovations.  I hear it is much more impressive when filled.

Inside the house.  There is no rhyme nor reason to the order of the photos.  (Flash photos were not permitted - hence the poor quality.)

Take a look at the size of this fireplace.

This tapestry was purchased in the late 1920's or early 30's.  It was said to he his favorite.  It cost him two days wages and at that time he made $50,000 a day.  What would that be in today's dollars?  It was breathtaking in person.

The indoor pool.  Also breathtaking.

That night we stayed nearby.  We had spotty cell phone service and NO internet.  They could not get the WIFI to work.  Geez, we actually had to talk . . . lol.

I just had to dip the toes in the icy (well, not quite icy but pretty darn cold) Pacific.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. amazing for sure I do love the two big beds in the same room no get off my side of the bed.
    I would love an indoor pool esp in the winter.

  2. Wow, that's quite an opulent home. $50,000. a day, I could live with that.

    I love the tapestry. When I was visiting Scotland we visited a museum where the tapestry weaver was working on this giant tapestry. It was amazing to see the weaver work from a pattern. We were not allowed to talk to the weaver or to distract them as this is a tedious and tiring work that demands a lot of focus. Once in a while we would hear a big sigh. from the weaver. The museum had lots of these huge antique tapestries displayed on the walls.

    The ceilings are so tall, it must be a challenge to change a light bulb in the room with the huge fireplace.

    Thanks for the pics,

  3. Let's see if I will be allowed to leave a comment today.
    Sometimes I can and sometimes not. What a wonderful
    trip. Loved all of the photos. I loved RR, too. Pictures
    on the water are always so beautiful. I'm planning a
    couple of trips this fall. To see Gary's family and my
    brother in St. L. You scaled a fence, LOL! Julia in SC

  4. Oh it was nice to re-visit Hearst Castle if only thru your photos. Thanks.

  5. I visited the Hearst Castle about 40 yrs ago. I still dream about it and that part of CA is so beautiful. I loved Big Sur, too.

  6. That outside pool when it is full, will take your breath away it is so beautiful. I am so amazed they let you take pictures at all. They must have changed it. You couldn't when I was there, only outside.
    I am glad you got to put your feet in the pacific. That is a beautiful part of California. I love that tapestry. I bet it is incredible. I need to look at it now that I hook rugs.
    It makes me want to go to the beach. :) The man who used to live across the street from me, worked for PG
    &E and he had to go back in there behind Hearst Castle to check power lines. He said, you can't believe all of wild animals that have escaped from Hearst Castle back in there, like Zebras, and things like that. Isn't that funny?

  7. A couple of my neighbors just visited Hearst Castle. Can't imagine having that kind of wealth and living there.

  8. Wonderful pics from your California trip. Looks as if you had a really fun time and got to go to see a lot of sights. Parts of the Castle are very much like The Biltmore in Asheville, S.C....same opulence, same era. Glad I don't have to clean it!

  9. Hi Lauren,
    Absolutely AMAZING!!! I can't even begin to imagine living there!!! I'm with Robyn on the whole idea of cleaning it!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing your trip!!
    Warm Hugs!

  10. Thank you for sharing your Hearst Castle pictures ~ that is such an amazing place, isn't it? I was so grateful to be able to make my life long dream come true to live in Cambria for over 5 years and had a gift shop in San Simeon, just 3 miles south of Hearst Castle (back in 1987 to 1993) with my late husband. It is such a magical place . . . I used to love to see the zebras grazing every morning on my way to the shop. Thank you so much for "walk down memory lane!"

    Warm Regards, Lisa in Lake Oswego, Oregon


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