Sunday, August 9, 2015

Back to Reality ~

Aaahhhh.  Posting from my desktop.  So much easier.  I had planned to post earlier today, but the day has slipped away much too quickly.  So much to do and of course, did not get it all done.  Some yard work, computer stuff, trying to catch up reading the newspaper (yes, I'm old-fashioned and still prefer to have a copy of the paper in hand), but only got half of them read, sorting through the mail, balancing the checkbook, and on and on and on.  I don't even want to think about how high the piles on my desk at work will be . . . sigh.
Here's another fun thing I found in California.  My niece collects vintage/antique cameras and I've bought her many for her collection.  This one is so sweet and came with part of the original box. 
I've never seen one this small before.  A mere 4" from the top of the viewfinder to the bottom.  

A wonderful addition to her collection.  Tuesday is her birthday so it's all boxed and ready for the post office.  Unfortunately it will arrive a day late :(
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. So glad you had a great time. I too read an old fashion news paper.

  2. Glad you are home safely !
    I have always found I need a mini vacation AFTER my vacation !!
    Love the camera.

  3. Welcome back... Glad you made it back safely. The part I don't like about vacation is that stuff piles up.

    What a cool little camera for a collector.

  4. Glad you are home. It's always fun coming home and weeding through everything, ugh.. love the camera, I have a collection scattered about myself.

  5. Always hard to get back into the groove after a vacation isn't it?
    What a great find with that camera. We were at an antique/flea market show yesterday and I saw lots of wonderful old cameras.
    I had to laugh though at one YOUNG girls who picked up an Instamatic and said "Oh this is an Instagram camera"....she's zoned in on FB picture taking I guess LOL


  6. You are a perfect gift giver and bet she will be surprised and elated at the gift. Welcome home.

  7. Hi Lauren,
    Welcome home!! I know it is so nice to travel, but it always feels so good to be back in your "nest"!
    The camera is such a sweet treasure and I'm sure your niece will just adore it!! Well done, Auntie!!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Warm Hugs~

  8. Glad you had a good trip! I always felt like I needed a vacation from a vacation after getting home.
    I've never seen a little camera like that one. It will be a nice addition to her collection.

  9. That is a great find. She will be thrilled. You're so thoughtful


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