Sunday, August 30, 2015

Not Much Blog Worthy ~

August 30.  How did that happen?  I am not one of those yearning for fall.  Fall would be more enjoyable if spring came after it. 
Not much going on here in northern Ohio.  We did get some much needed rain overnight and this morning and for that I am thankful. 
Since I have nothing exciting to share, I thought I'd share a few of my recent acquisitions.
This wonderful eagle is a creation by Folk for all Seasons, Lisa Evans.  She and Julie of the Old Tattered Flag are sisters.  That family sure is loaded with talent.  It is a clay creation on an old board.

The middle box in the stack is a recent purchase from Lori over at Homespun Prims and the little beehive bank is the first treen piece I've bought in a long time.

I am not much of an oak person, but bought this old table leg.  Why you ask?  Because it only cost $1 and I thought it would make a great flag holder.  The black are Susans are starting to look a bit scrappy :(  Not a good sign.
Yesterday at an antique show I purchased this box made from two old wash boards.  Though a little deep, I am currently using it as a trash can.

A birthday gift from my dear friend Wink.  I do love the Staffordshire dogs.

Little blue stoneware crock.  Cracked so cheap and couldn't pass it up :)

Not much progress on my Ellen rug and I haven't pulled a loop on it yet this weekend.  I know I need to change the beauty line around the ear.  Suggestions?

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I am always amazed at your finds. I don't think I ever find anything cheap and cute. I love your dog pattern. I could tell right off it was Ellie. It is so cute.
    Not much going on around here either. That is nice sometimes. I am glad you got rain. I hope to know what that is soon. :)

  2. You always find the best stuff! Ellie is looking good. Hook some more around her and then you'll know what to do with that line. PS I'm happy fall is coming

  3. I'd probably either find a somewhat darker brown to do as the ear outline OR, take the same length of wool strip as the brown and let it soak in your left over coffee pot for a while until it darkens.

    Great purchases. Here I am needing to unload and what do I do???? Buy some Betsy wool? What the hell am I thinking????

  4. Great purchases, Lauren! I am one of the nutty ones that can't wait for cooler (cold) weather!! Love your pantry boxes!

  5. Your true friend is coming along nicely. I tend to agree with Saundra. You got lots of nice old stuff. I try to de-clutter but I always manage to bring something in that I think may be useful. I don't have much in term of decoration.

    I'm so glad it's getting cooler and I'm pickling like mad.

    Have a great week.

  6. Wonderful treasures! I haven't been antiquing for ages - it seems most of the good stores have closed around here - sigh!

  7. So many wonderful treasures! The table leg is the sort of thing that I love to find especially when they cost 1 dollar!

  8. Hi certainly found some treasures! Love the little bee skep...they are hard to find at a reasonable price. Lucky you! Love the Staffordshire dogs...I have some packed away. I use to collect them but have run out of space. I can't part with them, but never have enough energy to rotate them. You have reminded me how much I like them. Hmmm
    Your rug looks like Annie's Clancy...the brown dog she's always pictured with :)

  9. I always love your finds. your rug looks great and my garden is looking scraggly.

  10. A big fan of Lisa Evans here! I have a Santa from her as well as one of the boards you bought.... mine has 3 rug hooks on it! Love both pieces and hope to add more to my collection...


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)