Sunday, August 16, 2015

The End ~

After our visit to the Hearst Castle, we headed further north to visit with DSO's son and fiancée, Matt and Danielle.  It was a much more relaxing time, but we did take part of a day to head in to San Francisco.  I've been there several times (the first time maybe in 1978???) and I love that city. 
Here we are heading in to the city.  My son referred to that fog as the "marine layer". 

Another view of the Golden Gate Bridge.

It's not often I will post a picture of myself :)

Matt and Danielle.

Street entertainer.

Fun topiaries.

Ghirardelli square.

Did you know it's possible to bind a small rug on an airplane?  Yup, it is.  Here is one of the small rugs that made its way to California.  A gift for Matt and Danielle who refer to their henhouse as the Ninja Chicken Farm.  A pattern found in Kris Miller's latest book.
Is blogger giving anyone else fits?  From my desktop, I have not been able to post comments on most blogs for a couple of days, though from my iPad I can.  It's so frustrating.  GGGRRRRR.
Friday I spent the day at Sauder Village going through the rug show.  I know many of you are on Facebook and have seen pictures, but for those of you who aren't, I have lots to share.
I've also FINALLY started a fun little rug.  I will share that soon :)
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh Lauren, so glad to see you. A nice looking
    couple you are. So are both sets of young ones.
    Love the chicken rug. Going thru a tough time
    with my doggie right now. I know you've been
    there. Don't want to wish my life away but I think
    fall will be welcome this year. Been thru a lot
    this summer. Julia in SC

  2. Looking good chickie. And the hooked chicken too ;)

  3. Wonderful pics! Love the pic of you and your honey! My late brother in law was born in San F. His Irish grandmother was the first female police officer there way back at the turn of the 20th century. Hope you ate some chocolate! Love your "cockle doodle", as Annie called them when she was little.

  4. It looks like you had a wonderful trip and visited some interesting places.


  5. I'm so glad to have a face to go with your name, Lauren. Thanks for sharing the photo.

  6. Thanks for not forgetting those of us not on Facebook. Love the photos. Have had a lot of issues on blogger saying people's blogs are no longer available. But then go back the next day and the same blog pops right up.

  7. Hi Lauren. I too love the picture of you and your honey.
    I was wondering if you are having problem with your server. I had the same problem and I upgraded to Google Crome and had no problem.

    Sometimes I can send comments directly from my emails to those on Google + but I have to send comments from Blogger for the rest.

    Nice meeting your family. I love that chicken and good for you for binding the rug on the plane. Imagine having your own private pilot. Girl... you-are-spoiled... but I love you anyway.

  8. Oh computers they are they so touchy. I just figured out the reason my computer was not working is my wireless mouse is not working (yes it has batteries) It looks like you had a great time and so glad to see a picture of you. I am looking forward to pictures.

  9. What a nice trip you had. I am so glad you got to go to that rug show. I always like your pictures best. :)

  10. That's one of my fav cities too! Wonderful pictures. Susie & I were at Sauder on Fri & Sat too. Didn't even get a glimpse of you. So enjoy your blog. 😃

  11. I tries to type a comment here yesterday with iPad and wouldn't go, let's see if this works. You look like a college kid in that photo. For some reason I thought you had short hair.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)