Sunday, July 12, 2015

Gone in an Eyeblink ~

That's how quickly the weekend passes.  Thankfully I got some yard work done yesterday because once again today we're getting some rain here on Ohio's north coast.  Just enough to make everything wet so no yardwork is feasible.  Maybe that's not such a bad thing :)
I've also been playing in the dye pots.  I am pretty new at this and it takes me forever.  I know the book says that it should take 20 - 35 minutes for the color to absorb - longer for stronger colors.  Well, I'm dying antique black and antique black green as I type this and after nearly an hour and a half the dye still has not been absorbed.  I think I'll glug the vinegar soon and see what I end up with.  I'll share my results in the next post.
Grandson Jake and I went to see the Minions today.  I absolutely LOVED it and thought it was hysterical.  Here's Jake after the movie.  I couldn't get him to open his eyes.

Being goofy trying to force them open.  It still didn't work.

Now for the winners of my July 4 give away ~
Fran Caswell
Julia in Canada
Please contact me no later than Wednesday with your snail mail address.  Let me know if you'd like a round, square or oval pendant, and if you'd like silver, black or an antique bronze (?) finish. 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It went in a blink of an eye here too. I've been in the dye Crockpot and I'm loving it as I don't have to stand there watching the stove. I want to buy more crockpots so I can speed up the process especially in the summer.

    That Jack has grown a lot and he looks like he had a great time with you.

    Is there another Julia in Canada or is it me?

    Enjoy what's left of the evening.

  2. Have been thinking of pulling out the dye pots myself.

    Congratulations to the winners of those wonderful gifts. Julia, I wondered if that was you as well. AND, also wondered if the Betsy was our "heavens to Betsy" girl. Congratulations to whomever you are.

  3. Hi Lauren,
    Antique Black and Reds are the slowest it seems to absorb all the dye. Turn off the heat and let it sit in the water/vinegar overnight. By morning it's good to go!
    Glad you enjoyed the Minions... and Jake is cute as ever. I am really out of the loop with movies... probably couldn't stay awake through one! LOL!!
    Enjoy what's left of the summer!!
    Cathy G

  4. I sent you an email from your bookshops it went through, Thank you and congratulations the other winners!!! :-)

  5. I sent you an email from your bookshops it went through, Thank you and congratulations the other winners!!! :-)

  6. I'm I the Betsy? Not sure, didn't want to miss out if I am. Please let me know.

  7. glad to hear you had a fun weekend. Are you dyeing wool? you may need some alum.

  8. I am so glad Julia won!! I hope to get to play in the dye pots this week. Jake is getting so grown up. I have wanted to see that movie. I am glad you thought it was cute.
    I need to try to dye antique black. Have a great week Lauren.

  9. Congrats to the winners!!!!! Such a sweet boy, great pictures.Blessings Francine.

  10. Hi Lauren,
    I knew I had forgotten something and realized I meant to comment about your Giveaway and after reading this post, I see I never did!!! Drat!!! Oh well, I am truly happy for the winners and know they will just love their pendants!!!
    Your grandson is so cute and I know you both must have had a blast in that movie!! I love those guys!!
    I have a friend who LOVES to dye wool!! I wonder if I will ever get to that place? Hope it finally worked for you!!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Warm Hugs~


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)