Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Just What I {don't} Need ~

Primitive Junky had a 4th of July sale.  I've always admired Cammie's patterns.  They are just so darned whimsical.  How could I resist getting a couple?  It was hard to choose, but here's what arrived in my mailbox today.
Peter Rabbit - this should be a quick hook except for those dang letters.  I really need to be better about hooking letters.

A True Friend . . .
I think I will hook this in Ellie colors.
What crazy weather we've had in Ohio this summer.  With all the rain we've had (I'm not complaining but my livelihood does not depend on it), everything is so lush and green.  Today we are only in the mid 60's.  Sure happy I don't have a swimming pool at this house :)  And how can it be the second week of July already?  Time's a flyin' for sure.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. OMG, I can't wait to see Ellie colors on that cute pattern!!!!! I know, more rug patterns in our stash we don't need.

    You serious about those temps in Ohio?? OMG, it is HOT and HUMID in the 90s here in Delaware. Sweltering!

  2. I think we are about the same as you. We have had so much rain. We did get some humid weather yesterday and until noon today and it broke now it is in the 60's
    Love your patterns.


  3. We all have our weakness... They both look easy to hook.
    I'm liking the dog more than the rabbit. I think that Ellie's colors would look nice.

    I was weeding this evening and it was so nice with a cool breeze coming from the river. I weeded until I had a hard time seeing the weeds from the plants.


  4. Those look like fun rugs to do. I would love to make new ones for my house, but between the cats and dog, nothing lasts. Hot and muggy here, but we finally got the rain and cooler temps.


  5. It is really cool here too. I am not complaining, but you know how you have some really nice, warm days in February? Then comes the ice age fro two more months? Don't fall for it Lauren, weather is not nice, it just softens you up when you aren't looking. :)

  6. what cute patterns! I am pleased with the rain, but it has been a crazy summer. I have started making Halloween things, can you believe it is only a few months away!

  7. My brother lives in Ohio and said that he has had so much rain. Dry here and needing rain but wonderfully cool and breezy. Ellie will be proud to have a rug like her!

  8. I like the patterns and Ellie is so darn cute!


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