Saturday, June 6, 2015

Too Cute Not to Share ~

Marly (thank you) sent this to me and it's also been posted to my Facebook page. 
I just think it's too cute.  I know nothing about Photoshop, but someone else obviously does.
I really must head outside and get busy on some yardwork.  It is a beautiful day ~ sunny but only 61* (just a little too cool for my liking).  Here in northern Ohio near the lake, we get these little bugs that look like mosquitos by the millions.  Thankfully they are just an annoyance but when you get near a plant they swarm out and you must remember to keep your mouth shut and exhale. 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. That is adorable, Lauren!!! Cute little ladypug!! Hope you're having a good day!

  2. Cute as the dickens. I pulled some weeds until I got too hot as it got much warmer today, hot enough to cause a thunderstorm or two in the area.

  3. That is a very cute picture. Some one was really good with photoshop.
    I wonder what those bugs are? We get so many bugs like that in the spring. Not to bad now. Have a lovely weekend.

  4. Hi Lauren, I also posted that picture on my FB page, to cute not too. Enjoy outdoors, Blessings Francine.

  5. Ladypug! I had to laugh, oh so cute!

  6. very cute picture! We are cold here or should I say cool we were under a frost watch last night thankfully we didn't get it but it got to the high 30's, Bugs I am sick of them can't garden with out being plastered with bug stuff.

  7. Keep your mouth shut and exhale.......LOL. I'd be in trouble. ;)

  8. Hi Lauren,
    Someone has a sense of humor!!! So very cute! Cute as a bug.......with a pug!!! lol
    Not a big fan of bugs........of ANY KIND!!!
    Maybe you should invest in a mask!!!
    Take care!
    Warm Hugs~

  9. I have been told before that it IS a good idea to keep my mouth shut sometimes too.


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