Tuesday, June 2, 2015

RAK ~ Two Hooks ~ a Rug Show

A random act of kindness ~
Growing up, my boys called me the yard Nazi.  I'm very picky about my grass and have been known to cut twice in one day if there are clumps left in my yard.  (I have a small yard that takes about 35 minutes to mow.)  It should have been cut Friday but Bobbie came to town and friends are more important than a yard.  Saturday was the hook in and Sunday it rained.  It was just too cold yesterday (maybe 50*).  My grass today was higher than it's ever been.  After a quick dinner at DSO's, I came home to mow.  As I'm approaching the house, I see someone cutting my grass.  "Oh, no", I think, someone is cutting my grass and will then ask for money.  Nope.  It is my neighbor.  We have lived here about the same length of time, but she is just an "acquaintance".  She said she and  her hubby wondered if I was sick or something since they had never seen my grass that high, so as he was working on her vehicle, she was cutting my grass.  Isn't that just too sweet?
A story about two hooks ~
At Saturday's hook in, I had my hooks sitting on the table because I did not want to forget to have them engraved.  A lady stops by the table and asks if I bought some new hooks.  I said that I bought one when I first started hooking and recently purchased another since my biggest fear was losing my hook.  She then said "those are my hooks".  I thought she was joking and I replied, "no, those are MY hooks".  She then told me that she is the hook manufacturer and it was none other than Cindy Hartman :)
Here they are engraved.

I did not get pictures of all the rugs and since I don't who hooked each one, I will just let you enjoy the show.

Can you guess who this belongs to?
It was a collaboration between you know who and the Spotted Hare :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Thanks for sharing your 'hook' story. Love them engraved.

  2. Oh my goodness - I always fear losing my hook also. I painted my handle to recognize my hook. (Engraving would have been perfect)
    Nice neighbor !

  3. I'm in from the barn early this morning and i thought that I would stop in on my sweet blogger friend to say hello.

    I love your hook storey too and the humour. The engraved name adds a touch of class. How lucky to have them engraved by Cindy Hartman.
    Thanks for the rug show too.

    It really warms the heart knowing that your neighbour cares about you enough to mow your lawn. A sign of a good neighbour.

    Hope you get some sun.

  4. I'm in from the barn early this morning and i thought that I would stop in on my sweet blogger friend to say hello.

    I love your hook storey too and the humour. The engraved name adds a touch of class. How lucky to have them engraved by Cindy Hartman.
    Thanks for the rug show too.

    It really warms the heart knowing that your neighbour cares about you enough to mow your lawn. A sign of a good neighbour.

    Hope you get some sun.

  5. I'm in from the barn early this morning and i thought that I would stop in on my sweet blogger friend to say hello.

    I love your hook storey too and the humour. The engraved name adds a touch of class. How lucky to have them engraved by Cindy Hartman.
    Thanks for the rug show too.

    It really warms the heart knowing that your neighbour cares about you enough to mow your lawn. A sign of a good neighbour.

    Hope you get some sun.

  6. really beautiful rugs! I would love to get my hook engraved.

  7. WOW!!!!! I have not seen Cindy Hartman in so many years!! Seems the last time I saw her she and a friend stopped at my house in Lagrange to pick up things that I had hooked because she was vending at a hooking show in I think Michigan. I didn't think that my things would sell because it would be all hookers. BUT they did!!! Last we talked she was moving out of state after her divorce. I would like to have seen her!!!

  8. Funny about the meeting of Cindy....Oh wish I could get my Hartman's engraved. I so much want to hook a Maggie rug like yours and do have it on linen...maybe one day soon. And also want to hook a rug like Bev's Whirligig. That is cute and like the colors.

  9. Cute stories and what nice neighbors! How nice to meet the lady who makes those hooks. I feel the same way about my hook. I am very attached to it and I need to buy a back up too.
    I love rug hooking because of all of the different styles you see in one place. What a nice rug show it must have been. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Its nice to know that there are still NEIGHBORS ! I love your hook story I could see myself grabbing up my hooks and saying NO these are mine.

  11. Thanks for the rug show! I love seeing photos of all the creativity out there. I think I'll go work on my rug now!

  12. Hi Lauren, love the act of kindness,nice to know it's still out there.... Love seeing all the talent in those rugs, beautiful work.Blessings Francine.

  13. Your hook story had me laughing!!! I love the engraving idea and hope I can get mine done some day!!
    You are lucky to have such sweet neighbors.... I think you are alot like my hubby when it comes to grass... makes him mad when the neighbors don't mow theirs for a few days, and they all have riders!! LOL!!
    Thanks for posting those rugs.... I am going back to look some more!!
    Cathy G

  14. Wonderful eye candy in this post Lauren - thanks for sharing all the pictures. I wonder where I can take MY Hartman hooks to get them engraved? What a great idea! Sounds like your neighbor might make a good friend now.

  15. After reading about your hooks being engraved and knowing others have posted about it, some enterprising person should offer the service. Especially the more expensive and precious ones.
    Although I don 't know if you can help, but does anyone know if the rug with the bunny atop the sheep is an original or available for purchase? It's adorable!!

  16. Hi, Lauren, I see your rugs! So pretty! They are all pretty, of course. Funny ...you thought it was cold, I thought it was wonderful and am sorry that it is going to get hot again...haha. Melinda

  17. wonderful reports from the Western Reserve Hook in. Lots of gorgeous rugs in the exhibit and OH THE VENDORS! so glad you did well and how nice to meet Cindy Hartman. I finally found my Hartman hook, I've had 3 over the years - 1 I gave to a fellow blogger whom I thought would be encouraged to hook, 1 I thought I loaned out but it never came back and the one which was tucked into my oldest WIP which I was happy to find. Cheers Mel

  18. Great having the hooks with engraving. The fatter hooks hurt my hands so I guard the one slim one I have with threats for no one to touch it. Ha! Rugs are all very nice!
    Also nice to have good neighbors!

  19. Hey! Those are my hooks! lol! I bet she has a lot of fun seeing folks reaction when she says that! :-) Your neighbors are sweet... nice to know people are looking out for you even though you're not always aware of it! It's almost time for the weekend! Yippeee!


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