Monday, June 8, 2015

Mish Mash Monday ~

Can you believe it will be July 4th in less than a month?  As I've asked too many times, how can time be passing by so quickly???
Just a whole lot of nuthin' today . . . sigh. 
A few pictures from around the yard.  We are getting some much needed rain today and hopefully we will get a bit more.
Here's a geranium the deer have not yet discovered.

A pretty pink petunia.  Growing up I hated petunias.  That's all my mom seemed to plant.  When other kids would bring beautiful bouquets to school, I'd have nothing to bring.  Did you ever see a petunia bouquet?  Geez, where did that memory come from?  (Oh, how my house needs some work.)

Fun gazing ball I got for my birthday.  

This weekend I stopped at a couple yard sales.  Bought this old enamelware pan.  It will make a great planter . . . someday.

At a church flea market, I bought another vintage picnic basket.  I must already have at least 8 of them that "someday" I will hook a rug for the top and give as a gift.  For the $3 asking price, I couldn't resist.  The seller noted that she didn't dust it.  I didn't notice the dust until I saw the picture :)

Finally, I have something on my frame.  I bet it was close to a month since I'd picked up the hook.  Unfortunately, I cannot share because it is a gift and am not sure if the recipient reads my blog.  Funny how I have so many loyal readers and yet most of my family and friends do not read it.  I will tell you that it is a pattern found in Kris Miller's new book ~ on page 106 :)
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. What a great idea and I've seen tops hooked for them before. Now I will look for baskets as that would be a great item to carry hooking projects in, don'tcha think? Frankly I think you should make one for YOU to KEEP.

  2. Hi Lauren, great goodies there, love the old enamel pan there. Also such pretty flowers and the gazing ball is beautiful.Blessings Francine.

  3. Hi Lauren,
    I have a basket just like yours, but sadly, the top is missing!! I do still use it though and what a great idea to put a rug on top!!! Glad you are back to hooking and your flowers are pretty......even if they are petunias.....which I do love!!!!
    Wish we had some rain as it is 103 degrees right now!!!
    Egg frying on the sidewalk weather!!! Sizzle!!!
    Hope you have a great week!!
    Warm Hugs~

  4. Oh gosh how I laughed about where your new rug is, I grabbed my book and looked it up. That will be nice.
    You know I saw the coolest picnic basket with a watermelon rug on top of the lid. I thought it was the cutest thing I ever saw. I love your flowers. You do make me laugh today. ( I needed it.) My Mom always planted hollyhocks, you couldn't make bouquets of those either.
    Have a great week.

  5. Who says you can't make bouquets from Petunias? When our house was new we had a small A frame hot house attached to the rear of the house. One of the pink petunia seed somehow ended up on the floor and it grew so tall against the wall. I was asked to provide some vases of flowers for the table in the church hall and made a whole bunch of bouquets with some baby's breath and they were beautiful. I didn't had to spend extra money for the table decorations. That was a long time ago but I still remember. And you know what, they looked pretty much the same color as yours.

    I love your pretty basket. nice pattern. I don't have the book so I can't check out the rug pattern but I'm willing to wait until you post it after you give it.

    I've been weeding and the rain chased me in.


  6. I loved seeing your garden I hated the smell of geraniums my grandmother always had them lined up on the window sill. I like them now. I need to get something on my frame so I can work on it in the evening. We are painting and working on our house it is much needed but not my favorite thing to do.
    have a great night

  7. I enjoyed seeing your flowers and am anxious to see what you have on your frame.

  8. My mom was a Portulaca gal. I hated them. Now I see the hanging basket variety (in very few garden centers) with the large rounded leaves and huge bright flowers - love them. The enamel pan would make a great succulent pot.

  9. Love the enamelware bowl. Would make a great succulent garden !


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