Sunday, May 31, 2015

Western Reserve Hook In ~

The Western Reserve rug hooking guild put on an amazing hook in yesterday.  A big THANK YOU to the committee who did such a wonderful job!  One hundred fifty hookers in attendance and incredible vendors selling everything you needed and some things you didn't . . . lol.  I always say need has nothing to do with a purchase :)  THE BEST doors prizes and raffle baskets galore filled with wool, patterns, etc.  I was thankful to have been asked to vend.  I must say I was extremely happy with my sales.  Anything to help support my hooking habit.
I failed to get pictures of all the vendor booths, but here are some of them.  I also did not take any "people" pictures.  Sorry about that.
My neighbor was none other than the sweet Betsy of Heavens to Betsy fame along with her daughter Erica and hubby Eric.  She is coming up with some fun new hooking techniques.  Her wool, as always, is incredible.

Julie of the Old Tattered Flag along with her mom were also vending.  What a couple of dear ladies.  I think a road trip to New York is in my future.

Alice Fraizer's booth ~ beautiful as always.

Breezy Ridge Rugs had wonderful wool yarn for binding or rug punching.

Donna Bennett of Crows on the Ledge.

Friend Bobbie came down from Michigan Friday night and she was such a help getting my booth set up.  Many, many thanks, Bobbie :)
To the right are friend Melissa's embellished wool bracelets.  They are beautiful and were a big hit.


I really tried to behave and not spend all my earnings, so this is what came home with me.  A yard of a new Betsy wool (from Betsy, of course), paisley from Alice Fraizer and this fun necklace from Julie of the Old Tattered Flag.  

I still have rug show pictures to share and a fun hook story.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. *sigh* Simply gorgeous! Even though I don't hook it looks like heaven for a wool applique person as well :) Can't wait to see more. And hear what you might have left ;)
    Blessings, Patti

  2. Someday, I am going to go to one of those. I would love to go to New York too.
    My goodness I think you were so good to only buy that tiny bit. I think I would have gone crazy.
    It looks like just the best way to spend a weekend.

  3. So jealous. Looks like heaven

  4. Looks like an awesome hook-in!!! I've been thinking of planning a road trip to upstate NY too... Olde Tattered Flag has so many designs I'd love to hook or punch... Nice to see Breezy Ridge Rugs vending too... the garden angel rug all the way to right (green background) was hooked by me! :-) Lovely paisley you found!

  5. You picked a pretty piece of paisley!! Thanks for the nice pictures ~ I took a picture of the crowd and that was about it! I fully agree that it was a great day and glad to be part of it!

  6. Oh, that looks like such a fun time! Love seeing all the vendors. Your goodies are great choices...really like the pretty paisley. Thanks for taking us along.

  7. It all looks yummy and so glad you did well. You got some good finds as usual and looking forward to the rug show.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Always enjoy your pictures of the fun hook ins. Love the Paisley fabric Lauren, blessings Francine.

  10. Oh so much fun...thank you for sharing...glad to read you earned a bit of pin money to spend!!! Thank you for your kind comment Lauren...Hugs...

  11. Beautiful !!
    It's the lure of all that neatly stacked wool in yummy colors that gets me !
    Everything looks wonderful ;)

  12. What a fun weekend to share with other rug hookers. Lucky you.

  13. What a fun weekend to share with other rug hookers. Lucky you.

  14. What a fun weekend to share with other rug hookers. Lucky you.

  15. Hope you did well with your sales. Oh, I love the tee shirt "my wife is a hooker" do they have any for hookers?

  16. I was there too! Looked for your booth but was told that you had to cancel.Drat! Wanted to say hello as I'm a Pug Lover & hooker too. Came all the way from Indy. Hope to see you next year!

  17. Holy smokes I would have been in major trouble there my friend.
    love the treasures you found.
    Keep looking up.
    Me too
    Woolie Blessings

  18. Sure looks like a lot of fun Lauren! You are so lucky to get to so many fun things. How wonderful Bobbie could join you. Thanks for sharing the pics. I gotta get a rug going. I haven't hooked in forever. Hugs, Lori

  19. Looks like it was a wonderful day, Lauren!. Your display was so nicely done and I would have loved to see all your beautiful creations in person! Glad your day was so wonderful :-)

  20. HI Lauren,
    What a fantastic show!!! Your display was really nice and I'm so happy you did well!! That makes it even more fun!!
    Love your purchases, especially the paisley!!
    I would so love to be able to go to something like that!!
    So very happy for you!!
    Warm Hugs~


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)