Friday, June 12, 2015

14# of STUBBORN ~


How can something so little and so cute be SO STUBBORN?  If Loocie doesn't want to walk, there is no making her.  This is last night going for her walk . . . lol :)

I gave up and let her just sit there while I walked Ellie.

But look at this face.  No wonder she gets away with it.

And yet again this morning.  Nope.  No walk for Loocie.  

Most of the time she is with "daddy" and sometimes he has to carry her away from his place and hope she will walk back home.  Can you say spoiled?
So happy the weekend is here.  It was another awful week at work.  You'd think I'd be used to it by now :)
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. well she is cute and good thing she can be picked up.
    I am happy for the weekend too.
    even though it is super busy

  2. Poor baby....making that poor little thing get some exercise!! I feel her pain!!

  3. Wonder if the roads are getting too hot for those tiny paw pads? I know my big boy Ben doesn't like the walks on the road around the meadow during the summer. Problem is Ben is too damn big for me to pick him up. So we scurry along quickly.

  4. Maybe Loocie misses daddy. She's so cute...
    Sorry that you had a hard week Lauren. Mine was just plain busy, busy, busy. I was so tired today walking to the barn that my boots were the only thing holding me up. hehe.
    I was going to post this evening and after I got in, I'm ready for a shower and bed.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  5. I hope you have a nice, quiet weekend. I am so sorry it was another hard week. Do you think people are just grumpier? I think that all of the time.
    I love the look on that girls face.

  6. Maybe Loucie feels like we do, done in for the week. I don't feel like walking either, and I need to! Hope you get some quiet time this weekend.

  7. Awwww too cute! It is easy to see how she has you wrapped around her little paw!

  8. Aw.. sorry you had a bad week! I could never refuse your dogs anything. Hope to see you soon! Are pugs ok for people with allergies?

  9. She is trying to tell you it's too darn hot to be outside and please return to the nice air conditioning.
    Bummer that your week was not so great. Maybe things will take a turn for the better next week.

  10. I feel your pain. My mini dachshund is the same way. Likes being outside but didn't like walking LOL!

  11. I feel your pain. My mini dachshund is the same way. Likes being outside but didn't like walking LOL!

  12. I feel your pain. My mini dachshund is the same way. Likes being outside but didn't like walking LOL!


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