Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Many, Many Thanks ~

A big thank you to all my blog and hooker friends and family members who were coerced in to purchasing tickets for the pug rug and paw print mat to benefit Ohio Pug Rescue.  Thanks to your generosity I sold $231 worth of tickets and about another $100 was made at the reunion held last Saturday.  I am so pleased that I sold the winning tickets.  (No, I did not pick the winners.)  Former Buckeye and current Florida resident Judi who is the proud mom of 3 pug boyz (who happen to be rescues) won the pug rug.  She has donated to OPR several times over the last few years so I am so happy she won.

The paw print was won by hooker friend Sue who is happily hooking, I'm sure, in Nova Scotia with the winner of the pickle and olive forks.  It sure is a small world, isn't it (and getting smaller all the time)?
I am still busy trying to get ready for the Western Reserve hook in this Saturday.  I thought I was much more organized than I am, so it's taking me forever to get ready to vend.  I hope I do well.  We all know supporting a hooking habit is not easy :)
There's still nothing on the frame.  I can't believe how long it's been since I've picked up the hook.  Tomorrow evening is hooking at the library.  I think I will take the time to put a pattern on linen ~ not that I don't have plenty to choose from. 
Once again, thank you to Louise of Dogwood Farm who so generously shared her pug pattern with me and to all those who bought tickets.  The pugs and I appreciate it.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Congrats to all winners, including the pups.

  2. Congrats to the winners....and grrr....every time I come here and read, I see I've missed something else lol.... And gee...I bet I beat you in the length of time it's been since I've had a hook in my hand. ;-) (Let's not go there...but at least I beat you at something GT....) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. How fun!! I am so glad you did so good. Your rugs are just the best. I am also so glad you said who the pattern came from, one of the boys girl friends has a pug and I thought a little pug rug would be perfect for her.
    I hope you get caught up. Have a fun weekend!

  4. congrats on your great sale of tickets and so glad one of your buyers won.
    have fun this weekend

  5. Sounds like the lucky winners were just the perfect ones to get picked. Wishing you lots of great sales this weekend and loads of fun hooking too.

    I'm the same about choosing a pattern to hook. While I have about two dozen already on linen it never fails that another image is a driving force and draw something else out.

  6. Good morning Lauren
    What a huge success for the benefit - and congratulations to the winner.
    Enjoy your hook in

  7. What a great event, congrats to the winners.Blessings Francine.

  8. You are so kind to help all the little pugs!


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