Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day ~


those who have served
and may God Bless
those who continue to serve.
A big thank you to my
father, younger son
and DSO who
have given their service
to this Land that I love.
God Bless America.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lovely post, remembering those who serve!

  2. God Bless America! Hubby and I went to our local cemetery to honor all the veterans. Each veteran get a full size flag in alphabetic order lining the driveway, (700) plus a small one on their graves. Today is my brother's 68th birthday, he gave his live for our country in 1968 at the age of 21. Since I can't visit his grave in person we go to honor all the other veterans who have served that live in our town.

  3. Happy Rembrance Day my friend.... Hugs - Robin

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Good grief I'm having comment problems. Happy Memorial Day Lauren

  6. I ditto what you said. Am sure you and SO had a great Memorial Weekend. Yesterday I tried 3 times to start the mower so I could cut Ben's yard, with no success. Guess I'll have to hire it done. My riding mower is 20 years old and Bruce was still unable to fix the push mower so I have nothing.. Maybe buying a goat would be cheaper.


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