Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Withdrawal Symptoms ~

It's been two weeks since I've picked up the hook.  ACK. I have been busy with other things but the real problem is that I did not plan ahead and have a project ready to start once I finished the paw print.  I appliqued the Maggie pocket and finally got the binding on two larger rugs.  You know me and my binding issues . . . sigh. 
My Barbara Carroll pattern, Here a Chick, started at the 2014 Susan Feller retreat and finished many months ago . . .
. . . and a pattern by Maggie Bonanomi.
I used 3" rug binding that I first learned about from Saundra.  I really like the width of the tape but I'm hoping once I give it another good steaming it will lie a little flatter.
It's not like a don't have many patterns to choose from, but next up on the frame will be this sweet pattern from Terri Lehmer of Red Snapdragon Farm that I just got at the Amish hook in.  She has some wonderful patterns and you can find them here on etsy.  She finished hers as a pillow and I'm hoping you can enlarge the pictures and see the wonderful edge she put on it.

Tomorrow I'm off to hooking at the library ~ hopefully to start my robin ~ and then Saturday it's off to the Ann Arbor hook in. 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Good gracious lady, you are always on the go! Like the energizer bunny. Happy hooking.

  2. Forgot to add - beautiful finishes

  3. Nice rugs!! You are a busy lady! Love reading about all you do!

  4. Have a blast. Truly beautiful friend.
    Woolie Hugs

  5. I haven't hooked in weeks I need to get going for sure. Now are you retired now? hooking at the library on a week day if so lucky you!

  6. I'm happy for your issues with binding cause that means I get to see your rugs again! Beautiful! I like what you picked to hook next too.

  7. Dear Lauren, hooking is supposed to be a hobby and not a race. I see that you work just to keep hooking. Someone should start an addiction centre for hookers like you and Saundra. hehe. I must be jealous of all your hookin gatherings.


  8. I think Julia has a great idea...but we need to invite a hooker who enjoys binding rugs and we will keep them busy.


  9. I love looking at all of your rugs. They are just so pretty.
    Aw well, you will get to it. Have a great weekend. It must be so nice to be able to go to all of those places.


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