Sunday, April 19, 2015

Maggie Class ~

I am so happy I took Maggie Bonanomi's wool applique workshop.  Each participant was working on the same pocket, but each one ended up being a little different.
Here is Maggie with my partner in crime Melissa hard at work. 

A close up of her work in progress.
Rita got most of hers done in class.

Another work in progress.

Maggie shared many tips and tricks with us.  This information can be found in her books, but if you are like me, you don't read too much but just look at the pictures :)  The best tips are that she does not use the blanket stitch but just whip stitches the pieces on.  This is much faster than the blanket stitch and in my opinion, gives the piece a much more primitive feel.  The other tip is to use Coats & Clark sewing thread, single strand in color #8360, summer brown.  I am amazed that this brown thread ends up being so neutral and works with all colors of wool.
I've finished my pocket.  I had never done any quilting before but quilted around the design.  If you are a quilter, please do not enlarge the picture.  You will be mortified at the job I've done . . . lol :)  I have to say I absolutely LOVE my pocket and hope to find the time to do more applique in the future.  

I restrained myself at the hook in and only bought about 1 1/4 yards of wool (though I have bought more since then . . . will I ever learn?), but did come home with some really fun items.  I guess it was the day of the velveteen.  I've never bought anything before made from that fabric, and came home with three items.  Can you believe that amazing puzzle ball was still in the flea market booth midday and it was only $20?  I can't imagine the work that went in to it.  The sweet little lamb is not showing up very well but he is made from a dirty looking velveteen.  I see I need to change my silicone bulb.  Funny, the things you don't notice until you take a picture.  

The little mohair bird on the pin cushion was made by the very talented Lanna Omlor of Humble Rugs.  It will keep the little yellow chick pincushion also made by Lanna company.  I guess I need to buy one more item from her so I will have an official collection :)

We have had some beautiful spring weather here in Ohio ~ FINALLY ~ so I've been out doing lots of yard work.  It feels good to be out playing in the dirt, but I am ready to be done with the initial clean up.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren, love the wee birdie, so cute. Wonderful goodies there, such talent I think...... I am coming to Ohio this coming week, heading to The Simple Goods show in Mansfeild, yay!!!!!!!! Blessings Francine.

  2. Your applique pocket is great work, as always. And wrote down the info on the thread, very interesting it goes with all the colors in your pocket. Well of course you need a 3rd one, silly girl, makes perfect sense.

    I've never hooked with velvet and I have some so should probably wash it up and hook some in something. I've different colors too.

  3. Your wool appliqué is really cute. And thanks for the tips. I think velvet is the newest fabric trend coming along. Sigh.

  4. Your little appliqué pocket looks beautiful. You said not to enlarge the picture and I HAD TO enlarge the picture just said not to. I'm a quilter and I can't see anything wrong with your quilting.

    Those cute velveteen pieces will probably be worth a lot more than what you paid for them some day.

    I did some flowerbed clean up yesterday but i was so tired today that I had to take a much needed nap this afternoon and then go to work, rush home to make supper and then i'm too tired to go outside to clean another flowerbed. Hopefully tomorrow I will.
    Have a great week.

  5. That is a cute little pocket. When you finish your yard clean up, you can start mine. Please.....

  6. I love your pocket. I need to track down the thread. I always wondered why I couldn't get that look. I love all of your treasures you came home with, and I am so happy you got to play in the dirt today. Nothing better than that. I hope you have a great week.

  7. Beautiful, Lauren!! O h how I would love to take a Maggie class!! I agree....I love the it a much more primitive girls sure are lucky to live in such a wool loving area!!

  8. Nice pocket Lauren. I am not a quilter so I enlarged the photo - looks great to me!

  9. Beautiful piece! Love your quilting stitches too... they accent the design very nicely! :-)

  10. Hi Lauren,
    Great job on your pocket!! I love working with wool applique and love your added stitching too!!! Would SO LOVE to take a class with Maggie!!! Sigh!
    Your velveteen treasures are wonderful too! I LOVE working with it (though it really makes a mess) and can appreciate the work in those small pieces!! Small ones really do take more time and you found some sweet ones!
    Glad you could play in the dirt too!!
    Enjoy your week!
    Warm hugs~

  11. So cute I think it is a great job Lauren! I love your goodies I think the lamb is the cutest.

  12. Love seeing the class and your goodies too! Love pincushions!

  13. Your pocket is beautiful, Lauren!!
    And you velveteen pieces are wonderful!
    Thanks for the tips!!

  14. FUN POST
    I love seeing hook in photos - and the work you all do.
    I love that pocket. Now how interesting that Maggie does a whip stitch instead of the blanket stitch. I guess one can do it any ole way as long as you get the same end result. I may have to try that.
    Love your pocket and your new goodies.

  15. Wonderful work Lauren! Sounds like you had a great time. I too have been cleaning up the garden. Hope to see you soon. Have a good week!

  16. HI Lauren - What a fun project you worked on in class - I love that even though everyone was doing the same pattern - they each ended up with their own personalities! When Maggie came to Utah, our guild provided each of us with a kit to make one of those puzzle balls with linen & velveteen - very fun to get it done. Please tell Lanna that she needs to get back to blogging - would LOVE to see more of her stuff! Thanks for all the pictures!

  17. Love those Maggie pockets! And all your purchases! You did good!!! It was a fun day at the Amish hook-in!

  18. your pocket is lovely Lauren - great job my friend!!! I know the BBD ladies just do that whip stitching too instead of the buttonhole. I like the way the buttonhole looks but I definitely have to get into a rhythm to make it look decent. I'd love to catch a class with Maggie sometime, just have to keep hoping. Glad to hear things are "springing" to live in the frozen tundra. Cheers Mel


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