Friday, April 24, 2015

Hook in Hand ~

Last night I finally picked up the hook. It felt so good :)  What a fun pattern this is going to be.
My progress so far.

Tomorrow I'm off with hooker partner in crime Melissa to the Ann Arbor, MI, hook in.  They always have such wonderful vendors  ~ it's scary . . . lol.

Gloves???  To cut grass???  At the end of April???  What's wrong with this picture???

Yup.  I needed them today.  Sunny but cold.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It's been cold here too -- such weird weather! Hope you have fun at the hook in. Love your rug progress!

  2. I think it's cold all over! Your bird is really nice. Love the color. Have a good time in MI. Sounds like loads of fun! Enjoy.

  3. Yes, it IS cold outside. But inside with hookers is always a fun and warm spot to be. Have FUN!!


  4. It is a very cute pattern. I think it would be so much fun to hook. Have a great day.

  5. we had a coating of snow this morning and our grass has not greened up yet let alone cut it
    love your robin

  6. What a cute pattern. Have fun on your trip.

  7. I love that pattern and your Robin bird looks great. You are such a spoiled hooker Lauren, always on the move with other hookers. I am so jealous... and I know you won't even be thinking of little old me stuck on the farm, when you get there. Have fun anyway... Better bring us some nice pictures woman.

  8. Love that sweet little robin! Have fun in Ann Arbor.

  9. That Mr. Robin is looking just dandy! You have me inspired to pick up my hook this evening! We were pretty warm for awhile and the last 3 days turned cold here as well...that's ok. we still have sunshine! :-)

  10. Hi Lauren, I love the Robin, have fun hooking.Blessings Francine.

  11. the birdy looks good ! Hope you had a grand time today in Ann Arbor. I wish you could blow a breathe of coolness down here. We are 90+ in the deep south today - WAY too hot for April. But I guess it will be May in a few days. (sigh) I'm afraid we are in for a long hot summer. Cheers - mel

  12. Hi Lauren,
    Just LOVE your new rug!! So happy you have been inspired to pick up your hook!! We all need to find our Happy Places!!
    Speaking of Happy, have fun in Ann Arbor and treat yourself to some lovely new wool!! You can just NEVER have too much!
    Hope it warms up soon!!
    Warm Hugs~


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