Friday, March 13, 2015


Though much of our snow has melted, it will be a while before it is all gone.  The snow that is left is dirty and nasty looking.  Not pretty at all.
Wednesday evening (oh, how I LOVE the evening daylight) I was wondering the yard and came upon these.
Snowdrops are everywhere :)

Winter aconite peeking out.

Daffodils emerging through the snow.

Yesterday I spied this.  My first bloom of the season.  Now that made me smile :)

Tomorrow is my Rebekah Smith workshop.  Hopefully I will have a wonderful sewing book to share with you soon.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh my, what a sweet Puggy with the Irish hat, adorable Lauren. Lucky you the flowers are poking up already, melting snow here too.Blessings Francine.

  2. I have some daffodils coming up right beside a mountain of snow beside the back lower deck. I love that Spring is showing it hasn't forgotten us but we still have SO MUCH SNOW.

    I'm so glad you have blooms coming up in your back yard.

    Bring on the sunshine and warm weather.

  3. We have one small patch of grass showing through the snow here. lol! Slowly but surely the snow is melting, but it's still more snow than ground at this point. I can't wait till we have some crocuses and other flowers popping up!

  4. Yeah, signs of spring...lucky you...very sweet pug all decked out for St. Paddy's he/she a foster pug? More snow for us lucky Mainers...Have a good weekend...

  5. How encouraging to see the blooms coming. I didn't realize that workshop was here already. Guess I won't make the show Sunday! Have a fabulous time and take photos!!

  6. So sweet! Your flowers are much further along than mine. Can't wait to hear all about the workshop. I'm taking a class with Rebekah next month :)
    Blessings, Patti

  7. I think it might be May before I see a bloom but yours made me happy.

  8. Nothing is coming out of our ground, lol. Our snow is half gone, but that is still a lot and it is slushy and icy and muddy.


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  10. Thank you for sharing proof of Spring in your neck of the woods! We are finally getting a few signs here, as well :)

    Hope you enjoy your workshop tomorrow! Can't wait to see your sewing book....I know it will be fabulous!

    Hugs, Linda

  11. oooh have a glorious day tomorrow...

  12. Your new blooms are surely something to be happy about !! And, that pug is precious ;)

  13. those flowers made me smile too!

  14. I have daffodils, tulips and crocus coming up everywhere and full of buds. Can't wait till they bloom!

  15. Ahhh... Spring can't be far off now... thanks for the pics of blooms! Looking forward to hearing about the workshop!

  16. I also have daffodils popping up and crocus blooming. So guess spring really is coming after all. Have fun at the workshop.


  17. The photo of your pug made me laugh! What a hoot. Hope you enjoyed your class. My pussy willow is budding!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)