Sunday, March 15, 2015

Rebekah Smith Workshop ~


The day finally arrived for the Rebekah Smith workshop.  A big thank you to Deb and Pat for hosting this at their beautiful home and a big thank you to Rebekah for having this workshop.
Preliminary stitching had to be complete upon our arrival as it would take the day to assemble our sewing books. 
Stitchers hard at work . . .

Gluing using Rebekah's "secret" glue.  That's my book in the foreground. 

Showing off our completed/almost completed books.  The amazing quilt to the right was done by Deb's mom, Pat.  That's Deb in the green and her mom beside her.  I want to be like Pat when I grow up.  She is SO talented.  (I'm hiding in the back right.)

I didn't quite finish my book in class but did last evening.  The finished project is about 9" square.  Some of my stitches are a little wonky, things are not quite square, but I do love how it turned out.  

The heart flower to the right is lightly stuffed and the "flower pot" is open at the top so you can store floss.  The needle flap to the left is only attached at the top. 

A few amazing items were shared.  Cheryl, my tablemate, stitched this amazing block of the month project.  She was not a quilter and I'm not sure if she had previous applique experience, but she did an amazing job.  

Aren't these just too sweet?

Teri hooked/appliqued this fun runner in a Crows on the Ledge workshop. 
It was so hard to get a picture of these two runners.  They were from another Rebekah Smith workshop.  Teri's is on the top and Cheryl's on the bottom.  I think we have two overachievers . . . lol :)
Next month I am taking a Maggie Bonanomi applique workshop.  I am really excited about that.  So many projects . . . so little time.  I really must get busy and hook on my pug rug.  I haven't pulled a loop in several days.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. looks like a splendid workshop ~ lovely folky book lauren, congrats!

  2. You did a fantastic job on that wool applique book. Rebekah's patterns are so beautiful. No wonder you had a great time. You are getting a lot of experience at all the workshops you've attended and all the hook-ins.

    I'm very impressed at the workmanship in those appliques.

    We're in a blizzard today and I took advantage to get back to bed and had a much needed sleep. That too is

    The daffodils should have stayed in longer.

  3. Wow----aren't you lucky, Rebekah and soon Maggie B, love their work and to take a workshop from them would be heaven, but-----darn-----why doesn't anyone come to Oregon.

  4. Your sewing book is gorgeous! Lucky you! Love the runners as well! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Your book is wonderful! Lots of beautiful stitching going on there! I would so love to go to a Maggie class!!! Can't wait to see all the gorgeous goodies that come home with you! Thanks for taking us along on these amazing sewing adventures!

  6. Love your workshop great turnout for it. You are always so busy.

  7. Those are adorable. Seems like there's a lot of talent in your area.

  8. Fantastic book. My plan a few months ago was to attempt a small version on a notebook, but there are too many tips and secrets needed for a great finish. I'll try anyway! That is a big house and you all look happy to be there. Who wouldn't???

  9. I love your book. It is just as cute as can be, I love those colors too. I would almost move to Ohio just to be able to go to these wonderful classes you get to go to Lauren.
    I was almost drooling when you said that you get to go to a Maggie class. I am so glad you shared photos.

  10. Afternoon Lauren, I adore the book, love the bird. Such talented hookers, wish I was only half as good.Blessings Francine.

  11. Looks like it was a great work shop. Such lovely piece work by all.

  12. Great job on your applique book, enjoyed everyone's works. You lucky duck!!!!! Maggie B next month too?? I'd love to take a class with her and am dying to know what you are going to hook in her class.

  13. Loved seeing all these wooly projects Lauren - what a fun workshop you attended!

  14. Hi, Lauren,
    Lucky you, first R. Smith and then Maggie! Wow. I love how your book turned out, so pretty. I see you hiding in the picture, you have let your hair pretty!

  15. Wow! I just love the sewing book! Awesome ! Always so much fun in a group.

  16. Love your book, that's awesome! Lots of eye candy to look at. I'll be anxious to hear about your Maggie class!

  17. Hi Lauren,
    I am almost green with envy (almost) that you were able to attend this workshop and will get to go to Maggie's soon!! Lucky girl!!!
    Would so love to go to both sometime!!
    I love your project and it looks perfect!! All the other things are lovely too!! So many talented gals out there!!
    Before I forget, I LOVED the black pug with his green outfit!!! Thanks for the smile!
    Take care and glad things are warming up!

  18. What a beautiful book you made! I love it! You did a great job! Love seeing the other pieces as well. I love that bird quilt (can't remember its name).

  19. PS: Maggie Buonanomi is a great teacher!

  20. What a wonderful class Lauren, so many talented ladies...certainly a fun outing... I do like your book, very sweet...

  21. Looks like a fun workshop! The little robin with the bunny hat on makes me smile!!! I've been sketching a bit, so I'd love to make one of these to cover one of my sketchbooks......I'll just add that to my LIST :)

  22. What a fun and interesting gathering/workshop!
    I love the project you all worked on - so many 'different' ideas for one item.

  23. Always amazed at the talent. Warm Blessings!♥~Amy

  24. LOVE your appliqued book, Lauren. Your stitching looks perfect to me! What a wonderful (and useful) project.

    I'm so jealous....would LOVE to take a MB class!!!

    Hugs, Linda

  25. what a great class you seemed to have Lauren - you are one lucky gal to get a workshop with Maggie coming up. I would like to do more wool applique but like you said WHEN? but then my school of thought is do all you can do - never pass up any opportunity unless you just have to. Hope you have a great week - Mel


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