Tuesday, March 10, 2015

My New Granddog ~

Meet my new granddog.  Kali.  Named after the goddess of destruction.  I hope she doesn't live up to her name.  She was a birthday gift to my son (March 11) and my grandson (March 23).  She is going to be a big girl for sure.  At just over 8 weeks old, this Newfoundland already weighs 22 pounds.  Her four legged sister Maya is a 4 pound Chihuahua.  I hear Maya is not taking any bull from Kali.  She's already bitten her on the nose a couple times :)

Kali was a total surprise to Jake and he is absolutely thrilled.  I just love that smile on his face.

Not sure what those 2 white dots are :(

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. AWWWWWW! A boy and his dog - what a cute
    picture. Love it, Julia

  2. My daughter had 2 Newfies, male, all black with just a white spot under his chin, the female had a black head with white body with spots. They mated and had 10 pups. All went to good homes. The female died at age 8, and Grizzly was put down last fall at age 13 when he started to have seizures. He was a gentle giant. My daughter has comfort in believing that he is playing in heaven with her son (my grandson) who we lost Christmas 2013.

  3. How sweet to see Jake and his puppy. She's a beauty and he looks so very happy. I can't blame him. What a great surprise. A good choice of dog but they are so big and I bet it will eat a lot too as opposed to the little Chihuahua.

    Happy Birthday to Your son and to Jake ahead of time.

  4. Now that is one happy gingered hair boy! Love Jake's smile...I love Newfies, gentle giants they are...This pup is beautiful...

  5. Jake's expression is priceless, Lauren. What a wonderful gift! Kali is a beautiful girl.

    Hugs, Linda

  6. Oh a friend of ours has 2 of those bigggggg boys. they are a very sweet and mellow dogs.

  7. What a cutie Jake is!!! I think he should move to Michigan and become good buds with my little red haired Jake! Beautiful dog!! What a wonderful grandma you are!!!

  8. Awww, that is just so sweet! That smile on Jake's face says it all! Such a cute pup too! Hooray for new granddogs!

  9. She is a beautiful pup and I can see that Jake is in love with her.


  10. A boy and his dog...doesn't get much better than that!
    Sweet pics!

  11. She is a beauty of a pup and she will make a big dog! Love the look on Jake's face. A boy and his dog.

  12. What a sweet grandson and the dog is adorable! Most definitely a lap dog, lol!

  13. Gotta love puppies...no matter how big (or small) they are!

  14. Beautiful pup, but you know all pups go thru that chewing and playful stage so don't be surprised with some destruction. Jake looks like he is in 7th heaven with his new best friend.

  15. What a pretty puppy, and what a happy boy. I think all boys need dogs.

  16. Oh what a sweet puppy, she will become a beautiful big girl! Lucky boy.Blessings Francine.

  17. Pretty pup - yes newfies are BIG bundles of joy - so glad Jake is delighted with the new pup. That pug in the Shamrock suit is so darling. Hope your workshop is wonderful - Mel


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