Monday, December 8, 2014

What a Mess ~


I still have not grasped the concept of "less is more" or "simplify".  I'm just a glutton for punishment, but as I open each box, there are just so many memories attached to the items that I just can't not put them out . . . sigh.  Maybe next year.  It always has to get worse before it gets better, and I am still in the chaos stage. 

Part of my herd of celluloid reindeer . . .

. . . and a few Santas.

Back to decorating.  Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. That is some great stuff how could you weed it out?

  2. I know the feeling, lol. If you love it and it makes you happy, then enjoy having them;)


  3. even thinking about decorating is too much for that is for sharing your Christmas the old balls...

  4. no one said you must part with these beauties ~ shake that feeling off, enjoy your treasures:)

  5. Lauren, I've been saying, simplify, simplify, simplify at Christmas time to Kenny for years. This is the first year that I think that is getting through to him. I think my "near meltdowns" when he starts dragging box after box after box from the attic is making a believer of him. Very few boxes drug down this year....we're trying on "simple" this year to see how it goes.

  6. I so understand.
    I want to simplify...but the sweet treasured memories.
    Christmas Hugs

  7. I finished all of my decorations in and out Thanksgiving weekend. This year went the smoothest and easiest that it ever has. My only explanation is being under pressure made me get it all done. Now that the studio tour is over I am glad. Now I can sit back, relax and enjoy. I love your reindeer! I have a small collection of them and some bottle brush trees that I love. Hang in there and take pleasure in all your treasures!

  8. I used to decorate like that but no more. Since no one comes here for Christmas (I go to my son's), I'd rather spend my time hooking here than decorating and then packing up and putting back.

    Besides, if I need a fix I can look at your blog.


  9. Oh I hear ya Lauren, I say that every year. But so many memories along with the treasures that I have to put out. I love the Reindeer, great collection. Blessings Francine.

  10. so many wonderful treasure in your collection. Do what you can and leave the rest in boxes - they will be there for you next year. just enjoy the season ! Mel

  11. Hi, Lauren,
    I have those reindeer too! I think they were my mother's. I just ordered another one that I saw on the Little Shop's blog (that shop out in Verona that we didn't make it too). I am debating whether to leave them as is or grunge them up using modge podge and spices.

  12. I love seeing what treasures you unpack one by one. I love every single thing and I enjoy seeing the lovely things I have never seen before.

  13. It's the memories that get you. Putting up the tree this year with Mom's ornaments was brutal

  14. That's a lot of boxes. I have less put out every year and this time - very minimal. A friend had her special santas and Christmas stitchery in one open cupboard all year round in her tiny stitching room. She even did red accents to pull it all together.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)