Saturday, December 13, 2014

Spinnin' my Wheels ~


All week long I've felt like a hamster running in the wheel.  Going as fast as I could and getting nowhere.  Yesterday I took part of the afternoon off and finally feel as if I've accomplished something.  All the decorating is done except for the big tree.  Some shopping still needs to be done, gifts wrapped and boxes readied for mailing.  Oh, I need to finish the cards, too.  Tonight, though, I have a date with a cute little redhead.  We have shopping to do and gifts to wrap.  We also need to stop and say hi to Santa and visit the model train display.  It will be a busy evening but great fun for sure.
Thursday the Hidden Hills Hookers met and we each brought a 1/4 yard of wool for a gift exchange.  We played "dirty Santa" and this is the wool that came home with me.  I love it.  I have the white and black honeycomb, but this is a wonderful grey and black.  I am almost half done binding this Santa rug so I may actually have it done before Christmas.  Woo hoo!
Don't you just hate computer issues?  I have a desktop computer and an iPad.  I prefer the desktop since I'm iPad stupid, but the desktop is giving me fits and probably needs to visit the computer doctor.  It's always something, isn't it?
Thanks so much for stopping by.  Time to go pick up my date.
Pug hugs :)


  1. On my monitor it looks like a lovely green honeycomb. No matter the color of honeycomb it always hooks up nicely. Your Santa is looking great and think it WILL be done by Christmas.

    Have fun with the red head.


  2. It looks like a piece of lovely wool. I bet you have such fun with your date tonight.
    I always feel like a hamster in December.

  3. Hi Lauren,
    I feel that way so many times and wonder why those hamsters and mice always look so cute running round and round?? Trying to just slow down and enjoy this special time of year! So much to do, but somehow, it always gets done!! Glad you got some lovely wool!
    Enjoy your date and hope you are all healed up from your fall!!
    Warm Hugs~

  4. Great piece of wool. I have some of that (small piece) in my stash, wish I had more. Yes, this time of year, I feel like a bee buzzing from flower to flower. It all gets done, and other than baking I will be done by Wed. Yeah!

  5. Evening Lauren, I know what you mean with computer woes. Love the wool, great to have.....enjoy your date, Blessings Francine.

  6. Great choice of wools, I have used that in some things and a nice print to work with.


  7. What a great idea - to do an exchange of wool !!
    Your Santa looks great.
    Isn't it great to spend time with children around Christmas ? So much energy, wonder and fun !

  8. I am beyond behind! Love your Santa rug...the red is spectacular! I am still having email problems...don't you love it when a machine makes you feel dumb?

  9. That is a great exchange idea for hookers.

  10. My whees are spinning fast too just playing catch up with blogger friends. Been gone so long and been so darn busy and I'm still busy with no christmas decorations yet. I've managed to answer all my Christmas cards as I get them. That's the best I can do this year.
    Your Santa looks very nice. and I love the red and green. I hope your computer issues are fixed before long.
    Stay safe and warm.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)