Sunday, December 14, 2014



Today was the 19th annual TubaChristmas held at the Lorain Palace Civic Center, here in Lorain, OH.  If you've not heard of it, you can read my 2012 post here or visit their website.  This year there were 90 participants ranging in age from 13 to 68, coming from as far as Pennsylvania and Maryland.  Just a fun time!

Last night my favorite redhead and I went and paid a visit with Santa.  Here is a picture of his picture with Santa.  You were not permitted to take personal photos with Santa.

With Mrs. Claus.

We then headed to the model railroad display.  We had not been before, but I'm so glad we went.

Jake was absolutely enamored with the model trains.  This kind train enthusiast allowed Jake to control one of the trains.  HHHMMM . . . I may consider getting him one for Christmas.

Back to work tomorrow.  These darn weekends just don't last long enough.  Dinner tomorrow night with a dear friend.  Perhaps I will get the "big tree" decorated Tuesday.  If not, Wednesday . . . or Thursday.  Nope, not Thursday.  That's a hookin' day :)
Thanks so much for stopping by :)
Pug hugs :)


  1. Jake is growing up! Looks like fun they had a tuba Christmas here but of course we had something else going.
    good luck with the decorating

  2. Hi Lauren, yes, Jake is growing up very fast. Looks like a great time with the model trains, Choo choo... Happy Decorating.Francine.

  3. Looks like you all had a lot of fun, and christmas is always more fun with kids.


  4. Looks like a fun day. My son got a train when he was
    10 yrs. old and it is under his Christmas tree right now.
    He has 2 children of his own. I'll let you know how my
    hookin' goes. Have a happy Christmas. Julia

  5. What wonderful new treasured memories!
    Merry Christmas

  6. Looks like the perfect date! :-) Model trains are a wonderful hobby!
    My tree isn't up and decorated yet either. I might start a bit of decorating each night after work. Yes. The weekends truly are not long enough...

  7. You and Jake always do the most fun things together. Model trains are a great hobby. I remember my Dad having a small one that was his fathers.

  8. What a wonderful holiday outing. Mom used to take us to the model train the trains. Bet that would make a great memorable Christmas gift. :)

  9. Nothing says Christmas like a tuba! Great pics of Jake...such a cutie! I still have the Lionel train my father bought in the 50's. We put it up for Annie and the kids next door and they get such a kick out of it...trains are timeless!

  10. Good heavens but that boy has grown to be a young man! He also has his smile down just perfect ~ like a politician, har har.


  11. Your favorite redhead sure is growing up! Can't believe how tall Jake is getting to be. Looks like a fun time. Hugs, Lori

  12. It was so special of you to take Jake out and have fun with him. he'll have such great memories of you and I bet that some day he'll have his own train set up to play with.
    He's getting tall and handsome.
    Don't worry about the tree getting decorated. Have a tree decorating party.

    Mine is not even up yet and today is the 15th. I've always had my decorations up by now. Oh well....


  13. What fun pictures! I am sure you will get it all done.
    Have a lovely week.

  14. Jake is such a cutie! I love how close you two are. Have a Merry Christmas , hugs cheri


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