Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year ~

I hope you have the perfect New Year's Eve planned.  I know I do.  It's sitting home with my sweetie, a roaring fire and watching a movie or two.  Hopefully I'll get a little hooking done, too.  Drink a little wine.  And I can't forget the dogs :)  Besides Loocie and Ellie, I have my granddog Maya here.  If you think a Jack Russell is high strung, spend a little time with a Chihuahua.  She just doesn't stop moving.  Funny, between the three dogs, they barely weigh 30 pounds.

I'm working on heart #4 since I still have not decided on my next real hooking project.  I took Friday off as a vacation day, so hopefully over the course of the next four days, I will get a rug started.

I usually don't make New Year's resolutions, but this year I have two.  The first is to lose the pounds I've put on this holiday season . . . sigh.  I really need to rid my house of all the goodies.  If it's here, I will eat it.  Secondly, I need to purge.  Not my fun stuff or antiques, of course no wool, books or crafty items, but clothes that I haven't worn in years, many things that I have no use for.  I'm not a hoarder, but I just have too many things that I have because I haven't the heart to get rid of them.  Oh, I come by this justly.  My  mom NEVER go rid of anything.
Well, dear friends, I hope you have a wonderful evening doing what you love most.  I wish you health,  happiness and prosperity in 2015.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh woman I know what you mean about clothes you haven't worn for years. For a couple weeks I was good to pull one or two things off a shelf or off the hanger and made a couple runs to the thrift shop. That was before Christmas. So now must get back in gear and rid myself of this $#!^.

  2. I hate purging clothes since i only buy what I need, but I do have some from the 80's, lol. They are my favorite things and you can't get things like that anymore;) Happy New Year to you and your family.


  3. weight is always on my list, I need to purge in general. I have lots of a little of this or a little of that that could go.
    have a wonderful new year with your pack of dogs.

  4. I know what you mean about keeping clothes. I have a closet full that I just can't bring myself to get rid of. It's that what if factor. If I loose weight. If I become 10 years younger all of a sudden. Ha!
    Have a nice evening with your honey!
    Happy New Year!

  5. Happy New Year to you Lauren. Love all your doggie pictures. All the best.

  6. Sweet picture, Happy New Year Lauren!!!! Blessings Francine.

  7. Sounds like the perfect evening! :-) We stayed home last night and fell asleep way before midnight! lol! You will feel so much better without the "extra stuff"... and happier to enjoy the here and now! Hope you get in some good hooking time this weekend too!

  8. I hope you have a lovely New Year. I need to do all of those same things. Especially this morning getting into my jeans.
    I hope you get lots of hooking done. I always enjoy your projects. The dogs are cute.
    Happy New Year to you.

  9. You are not considering getting rid of ALL of the old things hanging around, are you?


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