Sunday, December 28, 2014

Another Christmas Celebration ~

We celebrated Christmas today with Jake.  This is what it's all about.

Son J with girlfriend Jessica

Oftentimes at Thanksgiving, I purchase amaryllis to give to family and one for me.  I don't try to get them to re-bloom.  For me, it's just easier to purchase new bulbs, but I won't buy a bulb unless the bud is emerging.  Though planted at the same time, my son's is already blooming, and mine has just started to grow.  Once they start, they grow amazingly fast, so I should have blooms in a couple weeks.

Sweet little Santa from former Buckeye Judi and the boyz (3 pugs) in Florida

I finally found time to pick up my hook, and sadly though I have MANY patterns on linen ready to hook, I don't have one color planned.  "Needing" to hook something, I grabbed a piece of linen and drew up some hearts that I am hooking with hand torn strips and will finish "Heavens to Betsy" style.  In person, you don't notice the linen showing on the red heart.  I will have to do some manipulating of the loops.

In college (many, MANY years ago) I did a little crocheting.  I mean very little.  I think the only stitch I knew was the single crochet.  I've decided that I want to crochet some infinity scarves (having been inspired by Bobbie, the Evening Stitcher) who gifted me one last year.  Thank goodness for You Tube.  I am giving it a try, though I need to work on my tension.  I also ended up twisting my chain so I need to undo and start over. 

Thank you so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Your Jake is a real cutie. Love the hair. I also love your
    Santa rug. Maybe I'll have something for next Christmas.
    Your house is beautiful, my favorite! Julia

  2. I spy a longabargar basket, love those. Our amaryllis is just a bit ahead of yours and will bloom in January when we need color most. Happy New Year!

  3. I don't know how many years I've been reading your blog but when I first started Jake was just a little guy. Time surely flies because he has sure grown up!

    Hope to soon see pictures of the amaryllis! They are so impressive.

  4. I suspect that when you hook another row inside that will remedy your dilemma since it will push the rows together. Glad you were able to pick up a hook


  5. Jake is growing up! Love your hearts you are ahead of the curve for valentines.

  6. Looks like fun with sweet Jake. Great hearts your hooking, love them. Blessings Francine.

  7. What fun to celebrate with the family and extend the season. We used to do that when our whole family lived in the area, miss the large family gatherings.


  8. Happy you had time with family. Have fun with your crocheting! Happy New Year to you, Lauren.

  9. You have had a lovely Christmas season this year Lauren, Jake looks so happy so does your son and his girlfriend. I bet it was a nice time.
    Your hooking is always the best. I know how to crochet and knit, but I never do it. I am impressed you are trying to learn how to make one of those scarfs.
    Have a lovely week.

  10. I've never tried growing an amaryllis. Always thought they were so pretty. Good luck with your crocheting! I've crocheted too but it also was a long time ago!

  11. Looks like a lovely Christmas celebration! Love Amaryllis. Haven't bought any in years. Hope the crochet goes well. I've been thinking of picking it up again too.

  12. Oh Lauren...just go to "Fiber Flux" on youtube and that's all you need! She also has a blog by the same name...such beautiful, but easy crochet patterns! I made eight for Christmas gifts this year. They are an easy thing to do with not too much concentration (which I am sorely lacking!) Glad you had a good Christmas celebration with Jake...he is a cutie! Hope to see you at Sauder in February...we're not going to Florida!

  13. So Hoping in 2015 to give hooking a honest try! LOL! Happy 2015 Lauren! OLM

  14. Give the crocheting a little more practice and you'll love doing it!!!
    May this New Year be filled with Good health and lots of hooking!!! xo

  15. Lauren, Although I have never bought an amaryllis, I somehow have acquired several bulbs over the years and now have close to 12 bulbs which come back every year. Since the winters are warmer here, they stay in the ground and come back when it gets warm. I do nothing to them and they seem to thrive. My kind of plant!
    I'l join with you in wanting to do more hooking in 2015! Best to you and yours!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)