Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year ~ New Start

Happy New Year! 
I have managed to accomplish nothing today.  Don't you hate days like that?  I am determined to start a new rug today.  I want to say that I started the year off hooking.  I put this pattern on linen and pulled most of the wool months ago.  Actually I bought most of the browns a couple years ago for this project.  It's a pattern by Maggie Bonanomi.  It's about 19" x 38" which for me is a big rug. 

Most of the rugs I hook have a black/dark background, but I have wool soaking in the sink.  I will dye it Emma Lou's old putty that I like so much and may use that.  It will be a while before I get to the background, so I have lots of time to decide and/or change my mind :)

May you have a creative 2015.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Happy New Year!!!! I did nothing today either, don't feel bad.Blessings Francine.

  2. Those are beautiful wool choices, that is going to be a gorgeous rug.


  3. I think you've done plenty Lauren! A great blog post with an awesome rug to start off the New Year! This will be so fun to follow along!! LOVE that pattern and your wool!
    Much Happiness and Blessings in the New Year my friend!
    Cathy G.

  4. I am laughing so hard right now because guess what rug I just pulled out to hook today?????? Yep the same one!
    race ya! Now I need to color plan

  5. looks to be a gorgeous rug Lauren...I'm going to have to look up that dye recipe too...happy hooking..

  6. Excellent choice! Looking forward to seeing your progress! :-)

  7. Very nice! Like those colors.

  8. I feel New Year's day is a day to reflect, plan projects and get rested. We have a full year ahead! Look forward to see your progress on the new rug.

  9. I will enjoy seeing the progress of this rug and like you I accomplished little yesterday. Maybe I stayed up too late welcoming in the new year..

  10. I love that design and can't wait to see your progress. Hope I don't get tempted to buy the design too since your hooking always temps me.

  11. This looks so lovely! I can't wait to see your progress!

  12. Anxious to see your progress. I did nothing in the way of hooking yesterday either. It was football day at our house.

  13. What a great rug that will be. It is going to be lovely.
    I hope you have a wonderful day dyeing wool. I love those days. :)

  14. Love the pattern and your wools are just perfect!

  15. This one is going to be gorgeous. Happy New Year sweet friend

  16. I think we should give ourselves permission to take a day once in a while and do nothing and not feel guilt about it.
    Rug is going to be lovely!

  17. Love the colors you picked Lauren!

  18. Hi Lauren!
    Oh you get more hooked rugs made than I can count!
    I'm still on the Pumpkin I bought from you LOL
    And a few other pieces that in the process. I'll never be as fast or good as you.


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