Monday, December 1, 2014

Crunch Time ~

ACK!  December 1.  I hate when Thanksgiving falls late in the month.  At least that is my excuse why I already feel behind (and I'm sticking to it).  Yesterday I did get the greens hung on the windows and light poles.  It was 60+ degrees and is probably the first time I have done it when it's not freezing.
I've barely started shopping, the cards are not even bought.  No boxes have been hauled down from the attic.  I still have one rug that MUST be bound that is a gift and two that I would LIKE to get bound.  Yes, it would be a good idea to finish my Santa and sheep rug (Star Rug Company) and my stag rug (Lori of Homespun Prims).  So appropriate for the season.
So why am I sitting here on the computer instead of being productive???
I got my staples out today.  Finally.  They were driving me crazy.  Dear Kim wanted to know if this is what they used this on me.  It kind of felt like it.  Gotta love her :)
Tomorrow it's the mammogram, Wednesday back to the vein doctor and next week the ophthalmologist.  I don't think I've ever had so many doctor appointments.  This getting old is not for sissies :)
My Thanksgiving was wonderful.  Hectic but wonderful.  It was so good to spend it with family.  Our family is very small, so being together is special.  My California son and girlfriend even made it to town.  Melisa had to leave Friday, but Bill just left this morning ~ very early ~ 5 am early ~ is when we arrived at the airport.  ARGH!  He made it home safely and already has started eating the pumpkin roll that made its way west.
My grandson, his Chicago cousins, and my brother.  I'm not sure who was having more fun.  He gives them "bucket rides" and they squeal with delight.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I think I should get credit for restraining myself. Last night when you told me one staple felt loose......I did not compare it to having a screw loose. See how sweet I am!! Lol. Glad your got that appt over with.

  2. plz do take care lauren, extra rest is surely in order. sending good wishes...

  3. Goodness, but you're busy! I need to find a doctor..mine stopped taking my insurance...blah!Glad the staples came out...they hurt! Don't stress about getting things done...I have 9 totes full of Christmas stuff and stress out more about what I am NOT going to put up this year.....I really want to make it easy on myself! TAke care and try to have a good week!

  4. Sounds like you have your to do list made out! Glad you got your staples removed! What an ordeal!

  5. Glad you got the staples out good luck with the mammo (oh how I hate it) This time of year gets away from me always.

  6. Kids love tractors and nothing more fun then riding in one;)


  7. Glad your staples are out !
    I want a bucket ride, too !!!
    Looks like great fun.

  8. I am glad that you got out your stitches. You are so right about this getting old thing.
    It isn't for sissies is so true.
    I am glad that it was warm for you.
    I hope you have a lovely week.

  9. Glad those staples came out. I prefer the dissolving stitches but don't always get them. Please, my friend, schedule in some "me" time and rest. Agree that getting old is not for sissies!!

  10. Glad the zipper look is gone (staples) and with a 'root' job you'll be ready to tackle Christmas decorations. I've had my share of doctor appointments lately and have my mammogram on the 9th so will be done with doctors until January. Hmm, not so far away.


  11. Evening Lauren, so glad the staples came out. Ooch just hearing it.Blessings Francine.

  12. Your are one busy lady! Don't forget to take time out to rest !


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