Friday, November 28, 2014

So Thankful ~

Blog friends are THE BEST :)  I have received so many sweet comments and emails regarding my recent "mishap".  I really do appreciate each and every one of them and it warms my heart knowing how much you care.  Thank you so much.  The wrist is still a little sore and the staples will come out Monday.  Hopefully the wound will heal quickly so I can take care of those unsightly roots . . . lol.
Here is the little mat I could not show you.  Santa Paws (correction ~ Claws, not paws . . . duh) is a freebie pattern from Lori of Not Forgotten Farm.  My California son Bill and girlfriend Melisa have a pure white cat named snowball.  They were here for Thanksgiving so I gave them the mat.  What I failed to remember about Snowball was that she doesn't have a normal cat tail, just a curly stub.  Oh, well.  She'd look like this if she had a normal one :)  I also could not hook with white wool (just me . . . I don't like to hook with solid colors), so I used a very light wool with a bit of color in it. Melisa is already back home and my son will be here for a couple more days.  It is so good to see him.
My niece and family were here from Chicago.  It is a tradition started about 15 years ago and they have made it here every Thanksgiving since.  Jake absolutely adores his cousins.  Jake just loved his purple shirt and Melisa told him it takes a real man to wear purple, so he repeated that many times during the day.

Elise and Michael

Holiday crunch time is quickly approaching.  I know all my stress is self inflicted so I have no one to blame but myself.  I will never learn . . . sigh.
I hope you had the best Thanksgiving ever.  Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hope you are back to normal really soon. It's lovely to see your family -- it's so great to get together for the holidays, isn't it? Love the rug -- oops on forgetting the curly tail. I'd love to see that! Good luck with the holiday crunch time.

  2. You have a lovely family. I was wondering how you were feeling. I have been thinking about you. Your rug turned out so cute.
    Yes, I am afraid, my Christmas stress is self induced as well.
    Have a lovely Saturday.

  3. The rug is beautiful and a nice gift for them. I never use pure white, love the white with a bit of color or texture in them. Wonderful photos of your family.


  4. Oh my goodness Lauren! I am so far behind on my blog reading and didn't see your last post til now!! Gosh I turn my back for one minute and you are getting in some serious trouble! I am glad to hear you went to the ER and got patched up! Sure hope you heal and fully recover now!
    Your Jake is sure growing up and looks very fine in his purple shirt!
    Take good care of yourself... pamper and rest if you can!
    Cathy G

  5. Lauren, I am so happy to read you are doing okay since your accident, how scary, but your humor remained intact! I am so far behind in my blog reading...the days seem to fly...Please take care, I am thinking of you. Jake is such a handsome young man and sports his purple shirt well..Sending greetings from cold snowy Maine...

  6. Hi Lauren,
    Hope you are continuing on the mend. Dau. is here (art
    teacher) for Thanksgiving so I'll get her to draw up some
    patterns and start my first hooked piece. I'll send you a
    photo. Thank you for helping this newbie get started.
    Love your post. Family perfection! Julia

  7. Super relieved that your wrist is healing quickly! Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Try not to stress about Christmas... we seem to stretch it (the visiting and gifting part) well into January every year. ;-)

  8. Your thanksgiving sounds like a good one and everyone is smiling. Glad you are feeling better

  9. He is very handsome in his purple shirt.
    We are going to Dickens Festival in Holly tonight.
    enjoy your weekend ( with no snow!)

  10. Oh I agree Lauren, blogging buddies are the best.....Looks so sweet in his purple shirt, your Thanksgiving looked wonderful. Blessings Francine.

  11. Snowball is very pretty and the background is great. By any chance is that Walnut? Or maybe I forget the name of the wool that Betsy offered in her last mailer. Whatever it is it works great against the red cap.

    Jake does look handsome.


  12. Glad that wrist is mending! Your hooked mat turned out so nice.
    Jake is looking so very grown up!

  13. I've been busy and haven't looked at blogs in a while, so I just read about your mishap. I'm so sorry you fell, but thankful you didn't break any bones. For having a sprained wrist, you certainly have accomplished a lot! I LOVE, LOVE the little white cat mat. It is sooooo cute!! I'm going to have to get the pattern for that one!

    So glad Jake had a great visit with his cousins....they are all so adorable!

    Don't overdo it, Lauren...take care of yourself.

    Hugs, Linda

  14. Enjoy your family !
    Your mat looks perfect and festive.
    And, yes, blogging friends are GREAT !

  15. Oh, no, Lauren, what did I miss? What happened, are you ok?


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)