Friday, December 26, 2014

This 'n That ~

Christmas Day is now just a pleasant memory.  I can't believe it has come and gone.  You work so hard and long getting ready, and it is gone in the blink of an eye.  Sunday we will celebrate again with grandson Jake, and I do not start to un-decorate until after New Year's, so now is when I have time to sit back and enjoy the season. 
Too bad I had to work today because I had a last minute opportunity to attend a matinee performance of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.  Because I was the only one in the office today, I wouldn't even ask.  Darn!  I would have loved to have attended.
Just a few odds and ends from around the house.  I picked up the little vintage Santa this year and was going to give it as a gift, but decided he was so cheesy I needed to keep him.  He sits on a low chair and once or twice I found him on the floor  and figured I had knocked him off.
That was until I saw this little missy playing with him. 
All worn out after a long Christmas Day
Robyn blogged about decorating with pepperberries.  I left a comment mentioning that years ago I would gather them in Florida and bring them to Ohio.  Well bless her heart.  She sent me a box.  When I opened the box, I even remembered the smell.  Thank you so much, Robyn.  If you've not visited her blog, please do.  Her home is worthy of Early American Life and she puts everything together beautifully.

Years ago I collected Victorian Christmas lights.  I love how they look in the window at night.

A view of the living room after everyone had gone home yesterday. {One of these days I may actually get some kind of window treatment.  All that I have up are the old-fashioned roller shades.  Why rush it?  I've only lived here 15 years this week . . . lol.  My how time has flown.}

A fun little tree.  Last year it was bare, but this year I added the  Santa and snowmen I had painted on cinnamon sticks years ago.  There are also a few Santas on shells painted by Julia of Edisto Island, S.C. and postcards from dear friend Melinda of Merry Wind Farm.  Thank you both so much.  The only old Santa is the little guy under the tree.

These pictures are not very clear, but I just had to share them.  Ellie loves to bury bones.  I cleaned out her dog bed a couple days ago and found one she had buried in the bed.  I gave it to her and a few minutes later found her in the wool room burying it a basket of wool.  She just cracks me up.

I hope everyone had the most wonderful Christmas ever. 
Thank you so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. OMG..TransSiberian Orchestra? I LOVE THEM! I've never seen them in person but have two CDs by them.

  2. Looks great and cozy Lauren...too bad you had to work and missed going to see TSO.
    Silly dog and his bone!
    Did you have beautiful warm weather today like we had here?

  3. I am so glad you had a wonderful Christmas. Your house looks fantastic. That makes me giggle thinking of Ellie hiding her bones. Dogs can be so silly.I would have loved to have seen Trans-Siberian Orchestra too. Well have a lovely weekend. We are finally getting cold so I hope to sit and hook. :)

  4. Lovely home Lauren. Miss Ellie put a smile on my face too.

  5. Love your living's beautiful!! Glad you had a nice Christmas but sorry you had to go to work today....that kind of sucks!

  6. Your home looks wonderful and i love the mix of prim and vintage.


  7. Your living room and all the decorations look so inviting!
    Glad you had a nice Christmas and will have another one with Jake.
    But it is kind of a relief when all the excitement is over and a person can just relax and enjoy the peace and quiet.

  8. Your room looks warm and inviting. Love your big primitive doll. I used to make and sell similar dolls back when I did shows.

    Ellie is a hoot, so glad you took pictures to share with us.

  9. I'm glad that you had a wonderful Christmas. I did too....

    Ellie knows the perfect place to hide her bones., what a dear... She's telling you something... Christmas is over, time to hook again, lol...

    Your home is a treasure. So many vintage pieces. It looks very warm and inviting.

    My tree doesn't come down until after the Ephany.

    Take care,

  10. Ellie is too cute! I'll probably be taking my tree down today or tomorrow. It's always sad to take them down, Christmas lights make everything cozier!

  11. Your house is so warm and inviting your decorations are beautiful. Ellie is too cute. Enjoy your wonderful day with Jake.

  12. Hi Lauren, your home looks so cozy for the holidays.

  13. Lauren what a lovely home you have. We just returned from a family gathering and I didn't have to work on Friday so I am enjoying the time off. I too wait until after the new year to pack things away so I can enjoy them,

  14. Hi Lauren...How did I miss this post? Your home looks wonderful! Your mantle is so the samplers...and the Victorian lights must look lovely at night. Our Christmas came down I need to get it all back in the boxes and properly put away! Ellie is such a cutie! Thanks for the kind words!
    p.s.I have old fashioned roller shades, too...after twenty five years! Can't find anything I like better!


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