Sunday, November 23, 2014


If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.  Yesterday morning walking Ellie I fell on an icy sidewalk.  Thankfully I did not fall on Ellie nor did I lose consciousness.  I don't remember falling but I do remember my head bouncing on the concrete.  I am not one to run to the doctor or ER, but this scared me enough to go to the ER.  I had split my head a bit but it was determined that I did not need a cat scan.  The physician's assistant said I needed to have it stapled closed.  I asked her how bad the cut was and she took a picture and showed me.  My reaction?  OMG, I had no idea my roots were that bad . . . lol.  Now let me tell you getting your skull stapled is not what I call a lot of fun.  And in a week I have to have them removed.  Double ouch.  They did x-ray my wrist (my hooking wrist - ack) and determined that it was just sprained.  Last night with just a bit of pain I was able to finish the little mat I am hooking as a gift and started hooking on the burlap with metallic thread that I talked about here.  The burlap does not grip the frame well so I'm not liking hooking on it, but for a small project it is ok.  It is a pattern from Not Forgotten Farm that I did in punch needle years ago.  Since I am not hooking any background, I hope to have it done soon.  The burlap is very glittery but it just doesn't show up in the picture. 
I am thankful that my injuries were not worse.  I feel very fortunate.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh my gosh!!!! You poor thing! Yes, thank goodness it wasn't worse, and thank goodness you didn't fall on Ellie! Falling on ice is no fun at all. It happens so fast and boom. I've fallen on ice a couple of times. Feel better. Hope getting the staples out isn't too terrible. :(

  2. Oh Lauren, that's terrible. I suppose you were lucky you were not more seriously hurt but then again having your head stapled does not sound appealing AT ALL. I'm glad you were sensible enough to go to the ER and I'm glad you're OK

  3. Ouch, & it happens so quick! So glad it was not worse & Oh Please! no, not the hooking hand!! Hope you're feeling better tonight!

  4. How horrible! So glad that it wasn't worse. I think you should buy yourself a prize for getting those staples :) and another for having them removed!
    Blessings, Patti

  5. OMG Lauren!!! That's terrible...I'm glad you're ok...well, kind of ok...I don't consider having a head stapled is too great...but I'm glad it wasn't any worse!! Take care!!

  6. That does not sound fun, I hope you feel better and don't have too much pain. I did that once on the back stairs and bounced my back into them, so that didn't feel too good. Now I stay off ice;)


  7. How scary. So glad you didn't get hurt any more than you did. Please keep us posted!

  8. Oh no! The head stapling sounds terrible but I am glad it was not any worse! Poor Ellie must have been scared.
    Hope the pain is not too bad. Please take care of yourself and take it easy for a little while!

  9. So very sorry to hear about your fall.
    I am glad they xrayed your wrist, it is common to fracture a wrist when we fall, because it is the first thing we reach out to stop our fall.
    Hoping you heal up quickly.

  10. Thank goodness you are ok! Yea, staples in the head does not sound fun at all. Speedy recovery.

  11. Oh no Lauren feel better soon. You are so funny with the roots. Staples in the scalp sounds awful. ugg thinking of your don't over use that wrist.

  12. Wow! I'm so glad you are OK.... and very thankful you went to the ER to get checked out! Rest up and take it easy as much as you can... hugs!

  13. OH, that's scary! So glad you weren't seriously injured. Good you went to the ER to be checked out.
    Now what's the deal hooking with a sprained wrist??? LOL! I bet those instructions weren't on your ER discharge papers.

  14. OMG Lauren that's scary!!! You had to have a concussion and I hope someone was staying with you!!! Bet you have one big headache this morning. Staples....eek!
    Please get better soon !!!!!!! ((((Hugs))))

  15. Oh Lauren, yes very glad your injuries weren't worse than they were and glad you decided to be checked out. There are far better ways to discover if you need a touch up on those roots, lol! Seriously, glad you are ok! Can't imagine staples in the head, ouch!

  16. Oh Lauren, I'm so glad you're OK. A bump on the head is painful enough but having it stapled sounds even worst... Rest that wrist for a few days.
    I'm so careful when I walk on ice now and I look like I'm 101 year old since I had two bad falls and hurt my head and shoulder. Physio was very costly.

    Us old girls don't bounce back like we used to. I'm glad you didn't loose your sense of humour.

    Speedy recovery.

  17. Glad your injuries weren't worse but wish it hadn't happened at all. Funny comment about the roots. So glad you are able to hook.


  18. Oh my, sorry to hear about your fall. Hope you are doing o.k.. Good to hear you got yourself checked out.
    Let us know how your are doing...and don't need some rest.
    Take good care...hugs,

  19. yikes! small comfort that it could have been worse...those stitches sound wicked...hope coming out is easier...consider giving your hooking a pass for a while...give IOU's as up

  20. Oh my Lauren, that is terrible, you better get lots of rest and relax. Take Care, Blessings Francine.

  21. oh no, so sorry you've gone a** over teakettle:( plz do take care lauren, a little rest surely is in order. wishing you healing in the coming days...

  22. Goodness, Lauren. Thank goodness you didn't fall on Ellie. I am sure you got the look "Mom, what are doing down there?" Sorry about the staples (and the roots) but congrats on being able to hook despite the sprained wrist. So glad it wasn't more serious. But as Sue said, try to rest up. Watch out for the other bruises when they begin to appear in a day or two.


  23. Gosh Lauren, I am so glad you are okay, but that is so scary. I laughed and about the roots. We know what is important. I am glad you were able to finish that mat. I am so glad you didn't break your wrist.
    I see why you don't like winter. Since I can't walk on normal dry cement, I shudder to think how much I would fall.
    I am glad you are okay.

  24. Yikes Lauren - It could have been so much worse, but it's still not fun what you're going through! Be careful out there! Here's a hint for getting that burlap to stay tighter on your frame - throw it in the dryer with a damp towel and let it run for awhile - it works for me!

  25. oh Lauren I am sorry to hear about your fall. I am glad you are ok. Ouch, staples in your head sounds really painful.

  26. Thank goodness you are basically okay. You can't keep an earnest hooker down!

  27. Head injuries are scary. Take it easy and stay off the ice. Warm Blessings! Amy

  28. oh my goodness sorry about your fall....glad it was not worst and that it is not stopping you from doing what you love...happy turkey day....will your lamp be going to ohio this week...linda

  29. So sorry Lauren accidents are such a pain they stop you when your right in the middle of life. The timing is always so inconvenient. I hope you feel better and take it easy! Hugs cheri

  30. Hi sorry about your fall. I laughed right out about the "roots" . When I read your earlier post I thought you might have tripped on some tree " roots" :)
    Take care. Love the purple shirt.
    Hugs Marg.

  31. Lauren, I'm so sorry to hear of your fall.
    I hope you healing quickly..
    Your kitty mat is so sweet and I recently finished punching Lori's Poinsettia design.
    Sending big hugs!


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