Tuesday, September 16, 2014

That Darned Butt Spot ~


I thank everyone for their input on the butt spot.  I decided to change the shape just a little and color-wise make it less obvious.  I also skinnied up his back leg.  Woo hoo!  It is already bound with some wonderful, chunky wool from Ali Strebel.  I love her wool for binding rugs.  I think he's sweet if I do say so myself :)
I am so not a party girl and hate asking people to buy something from me, but my son's girlfriend just started selling Arbonne products and asked if I'd have a spa party.  I almost said no but thought that very rude, so tomorrow is the day.  I hope she has a successful evening.
This weekend will be another busy one . . . sigh.  One antique show, one fall festival and working the Ohio Pug Rescue booth at the Oberlin, Ohio Doggie Do.  That should about take care of my weekend.  But next week, I have ME TIME.  A hooking retreat in Lakeside, Ohio.  3+ days of hooker fun.  I am so looking forward to it.  I went last year and it was wonderful.  Hookers are the nicest people!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. At least your weekend coming up sounds like fun.
    I am meeting up with my daughter and we are yard saling. Love your kitty and 3 days of hooking sounds like heaven.
    ps good luck with your party I had no idea what it was so I looked it up anti aging to late!

  2. I purchased 3 different variegated colored skeins of Ali's wool as well as a skein of dreads wool. Loving Ali's class and your crazy friends. Don't believe all the rumors they say about me.

    Having fun and will post on my blog when I get home. Hugs.


  3. Love that rug Lauren!
    First time I ever heard of a Spa party, let us know how it goes. Your busy but you will have fun this weekend.
    happy hump day

  4. I don't like those selling party's either. You always feel like you "have" to buy something you don't want or need. Seems like everyone is selling Arbonne these days. I envy your upcoming hookers weekend.

  5. Love the rug, Lauren...I can't wait for Lakeside...it's going to be fun, fun, fun!!

  6. really like your spot re-do, very pleasing to the eye. wishing you a great weekend, enjoy!

  7. You are a busy lady. I love the cat any way. You do such perfect hooking and that cat has such a contented look on its face. I think it likes the spot now too. :)
    I will check out the link.

  8. Such a sweet rug Lauren, love it.Blessings a Fran

  9. I'm late making my rounds this evening. Your kitty rug looks lovely as is.

    I had never heard about that product and looked it up on line. I don't use beauty product and it's too late any way for anti aging cream, lol.

    I hate product selling parties and never go to any of them any more. You're a good sport for going ahead with this Spa party.
    Have fun at your 3 day hook in.

  10. Love the background colors you chose. Lucky you to go on a retreat ! Have loads of fun.


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