Thursday, September 18, 2014

It's a Small World . . .

. . . and getting smaller all the time.
Last week I got an email from a blog reader named Kim.  No, not Kim of Millie's Mats or Kim of My Field of Dreams.  This was just Kim.  She told me of an auction she found on eBay that was a pug pin cushion and when she saw it she thought of me.  Well, I wouldn't call it a pin cushion and neither would Kim, but it was a sweet little stuffed pug.  Old and tattered.  I already had one that size in much better shape, but the current high bid was low in my opinion, so I placed my bid sure I would not win him.  Lo and behold, I got him for a great price.  He fits in just fine with my pug family.  The new pug baby is in the middle.

One of several repairs.  He was well loved :)
Now the ironic part is that I had no idea where Kim was from and she sends me an email telling me she is going to her very first hook-in in Navarre, Ohio, and has no idea who the vendors will be.  Here's the small world part.  That is the hook-in where I was going to vend, so I had the pleasure of meeting her and thanking her in person for sending me the auction information.
The Arbonne party went well, me thinks, but I am happy it is over.  If you've never heard of it, we were told that in the U.S. there is only 1% brand recognition.  I like the fact that the products are all made in the U.S.A. and are vegan certified.  (No, I am not a vegetarian or vegan or will ever be.)  That just means they contain no animal fats or animal bi-products and in addition no product testing is done on animals 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Great piece to have for your collection and even worn you can see the details and they are different from the others. I collect the cats when I find them here and have some still in their packages, need to make them, but afraid I will ruin them;)


  2. It really is a small world. I'm glad you found another pug for your collection and a new friend. Bonus

  3. Lovely little pug to add to your collection...Fate, kismet, whatever you want to call it, some things are just meant to be...Hugs from Maine, Julie

  4. I like how small the world is and I like your little collection of pugs. They are wonderful. I am so glad you were able to get it.
    Have a lovely evening.

  5. Oh how sweet, I love those old Pug pillows.Blessings Francine.

  6. How fun! A great story and one that shows how blogging can open new doors, add to our friendships etc. Doesn't get any better than that!! Sweet little stuffed pug!!
    Cathy G

  7. very cute pug for your collection

  8. Very cute and that was so sweet of her Lauren.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  9. The world is getting smaller all the time it seems and it turned our perfect for you. So glad you got the little pug for your collection and met Kim.
    Have a great weekend.

  10. Lauren~ such a sweet post!!!! So glad you got the well loved pug, I just had to email you when I saw him on Ebay. It was such a pleasure to meet you at the Hook In, hoping our paths will cross again one day!! Pug Hugs~ Kim

  11. Your stuffed pugs are wonderful, Lauren!!
    Funny how people come into our lives!
    xo L

  12. Now it looks like the mom had a litter, how cute!



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