Sunday, September 14, 2014

Another Weekend Bites the Dust ~

Oh, these weekends just fly by much too quickly.  Another busy one for me :)
Saturday was a hook-in in Navarre, Ohio, put on by the Fort Laurens Rug Crafters.  So many wonderful vendors (and I was lucky to be one of them).  Just a sampling of the beautiful wool.
The featured hooker was Betty Kurtz.  She is 91 years young and still hooking.

Here is a sampling of her beautiful work.

Hooker Deb was working on this rug started in a Barbara Carroll class during rug week at Sauder Village.  The colors are so much richer in person.

Not that I need another rug pattern, but I love this pattern by Lana Omlor of Humble Rugs.  I "need" to buy this soon.

And how could I not buy some luscious wools and this wool yarn?

It was a wonderful hook-in.  I am thankful I was asked to vend ~ anything to help support my habit . . . lol.
Today was spent on the shores of Lake Erie at Whiskey Island Marina.  I was heading up the OPR booth at the Mutt Strut & Mingle/PAW-ject Runway.  Thankfully the weather co-operated, lots of people fawned over the pugs (Loocie, Posey and Tai Chi) and we made some $$ for rescue.

It's been a while since I've gotten on my soapbox, so . . . If you are looking for a pet, be it a cat, dog, even a skunk, DON'T SHOP, ADOPT.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It looks like a great hook in and lots of beautiful rugs.
    I have been looking at dogs in our area but we seem to get a lot of pit bulls. I miss my guy so it is hard to just replace him, so when the right dog comes at the right moment, I will know.


  2. Lauren,
    That looks like a great hook-in! Wishing you were a state or two closer to me! Hope you did well vending and can keep on buying more lovely wool!
    Betty's rugs looks wonderful! If I'm wondering if I live to 91 I will be able to hook rugs... hope so. Betty is sure an inspiration and wish her well for me when you see her again!
    Cathy G.

  3. I hope I am still hooking at 91 I think that is when I will be able to retire. Love the wool and the rugs wonderful as always.
    have a great week

  4. Sounds like a great weekend! What could be better than vending at a hook-in? Lots of lovely rugs you showed...thank you for sharing. And, gotta say, being retired...every day is like the weekend.

  5. Yep, the weekend is over but it seems like it never even started for me.

    Hooray for Betty, still hooking a storm at 91. I wonder if I'll live to be 91. I sure hope so but I don't know if I'd still be able to pull hoops at that age. I've lost several of my cat lives already... Great rugs...

    Your weekend hook-in sounds very nice and energizing and I love seeing all that beautiful wool neatly piled up.

    Hope your week is nice as well.

  6. What a lovely weekend. I love looking at all of the photos and wish I could go to one of them.
    Have a great week.

  7. Such a great weekend, love all the rugs.Blessings a Francine.

  8. What a luscious pile of wool. So tempting and I don't even hook!

  9. Great rugs and love all the wool. I got a sample mailer from Betsy the other day and even though I do NOT need more wool.....I ordered some. I have wool shame :(


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