Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday Already?

What a crazy, busy weekend, but as I've said, I bring it upon myself. 
Saturday I headed to the Harvest at the Mill show in Holly, MI.  What a wonderful show.  It's so funny because I could head to a show a half hour from home and not know as many people as I knew there.  I had a limited amount of time to spend there, and had a hard time trying to see everything because I spent most of my time yacking, and I really am not a yacker . . . lol!  And I am so sorry I never even took one picture :(  I could have been really bad, but with my upcoming hooking retreats, I tried to restrain myself.  I did buy this coverlet piece for me . . .

. . . and this fabric covered box from Bobbie, the Evening Stitcher, because it has my initials on it, though backwards. 
Other than that, I did find some silverplate teaspoons for a reasonable price (yeah) and these typewriter keys.  I am just kicking myself.  Maybe 13 years ago I sold an old typewriter ~ that was before I ever saw the cool things they do with the old keys.  Just about every time I sell something old I regret it.  That's probably why my attic is out of control . . . lol!  Also a couple Christmas gifts that I can't show.
I got to spend some time talking with Earlene.  She had some wonderful antiques in her booth.  I did buy one of the Christmas gifts from her.  I also met Marie, better known as Olde Lady Morgan.  She and hubby were just as sweet as can be.  Both Bobbie and Marie have shared some great pictures of the show on their blogs.
Sunday morning Jake and I headed to the Akron, OH, Zoo, treated by dear friend Dolly.  It is a smaller zoo, but lots of fun.  Thanks so much Dolly.  You are a special friend :)
Jake going down the slide that runs through the river otter tank.

Jake showing off some of his smashed pennies.  In California, I found a smashed penny album.  I had not seen those before.  The pennies are great souvenirs for only $.51 each and more and more places now have the machines.

Grizzly Ridge is the zoo's newest attraction.  Jake and the grizzly were separated by only a pane of glass.  Too cool :)

His favorite was the Komodo dragon, though it just laid there.

These jellyfish known as Pacific Sea Nettles were just fascinating to watch.

Isn't this sweet?

Jake and Dolly.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It looks like you had a fun time at the zoo, I haven't been to ours in years but we did get to the aquarium.


  2. Lauren,
    It sounds like you had so much fun at the show meeting all the bloggers! Someday... I hope to attend that show! Your little Jake is sure sprouting up there so fast!
    Love your new treasures... and those typewriter keys! I know we tossed out an old one too a few years back! Isn't that what attics are for... saving all the old stuff to keep landfills from filling up!? We both do such a good job of that don't we? LOL!
    Cathy G

  3. I know the feeling of letting some of my old and odd things go and then realize I should have kept them. It looked like a fun time at the show. I saw a couple of things in pics from OLM that I would have liked!

  4. It all sounds like fun. Love your finds.

  5. What a cool zoo!!! I had no idea Ohio had a great zoo....of course, I've never been to Ohio...well, I have been to Cincinnati, but that was YEARS ago when I was in school. Looks like you got some great finds!!!

  6. That is a cool zoo. My daughter Nicole went to Indonesia and visited one of the Island of Komodo while there to see the dragons. The interesting about these creatures is that there are about 50 strains of bacteria in their saliva, and when they bite an animal and it gets away, the animal dies of blood poison within 24 hours and there are between 3000 to 5000 Komodo dragon on that island.

    I love that coverlet and the vintage typewriter keys make some interesting jewelry. I've seen some on eBay.

    I'm glad you had a great time at the show.


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Morning, such a great place to visit, would love to go....beautiful coverlet, neat old keys too Lauren..Blessings Francine.

  9. Jake is getting to be such a tall young man, and getting more handsome too. Oh, I know about getting rid of old stuff you wish you had back. Can't wait to see what you do with those great typewriter keys in case there's something I want to buy.


  10. How fun. I am so glad you had such a nice weekend. I knew I wanted to get in an airplane and go to the show. LOL
    Lovely zoo too. Your grandson, Jake looks like he had so much fun.

  11. Fun! Love Jake going through that tube. What are smashed pennies?

  12. My nieces would love that otter slide. Although busy sounds like a wonderful time with friends and loved ones. Warm Blessings! Amy

  13. Looks like Jake had a good time. I know I would have.

  14. Lauren,
    I am so glad we got to met and had time to chat!!!! Lover your coverlet, I never even saw it... hugs! OLM


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