Friday, September 5, 2014

Butt Spot ~

Should it stay or should it go?  I can't decide.  In person, the background is more subtle, but I can't get a good pic to save my soul.
This is going to be a crazy, busy weekend.  I would like nothing better than to stay home, but it isn't meant to be.  Every weekend in September is super busy.  UGH, but I bring it upon myself.  Tomorrow we are off to Michigan for DSO's daughter's 40th birthday celebration.  Since I will almost be in the neighborhood on Saturday, I will here.  I hope I don't find much I can't live without.  I need to be saving my cash for my upcoming hooking retreats :)
Will return home Saturday evening and Sunday morning it is off to the Akron Zoo with grandson Jake and friend Dolly.  Sunday evening is a cookout and then in too few hours it will be Monday and back to work. 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. You will have great fun and come home with less change but great goodies I'm sure.


  2. Keep the spot!! I think it looks great. It is a very nice kitty rug. How fun, do you know how much I wish I could jump in a plane and go to that show? I really did try and figure out how to get there. :)
    It sounds like a nice weekend. You will be busy, but I think that is what it is for me until Christmas, a sprint!!
    Have fun time. I love Kris and her amazing booth. I have wished I had bought more from her.

  3. The spot has to stay. Has to. My Mia has a spot after all. :D Hope you have a fun weekend. It's nice to have a nothing-to-do weekend, but busy ones are fun too!

  4. The spot makes this kitty unique so the spot stays.

    You are a busy woman, how the hex do you find time to hook? Enjoy your weekend.

  5. I like the spot too. enjoy your busy weekend that has been the theme for us all summer. I have some hooking things coming up too so I am looking forward to that. It is a hot night here and the peepers are singing like crazy.

  6. The rug is wonderful, love the prim look. I noticed that colors pop out in photos, always better in person.


  7. adorable rug...I like the spot but I'd change it to gray, that's just me though...Holly Hills show would probably wreck my budget for sure, I've seen Bobbie's work...

  8. not sure about the spot, kind of draws the eye right to it first thing, rather than the overall design (at least my eye). your weekend sounds both fun and exhausting, by zoo time i'd be ready for a long nap (after a visit to that great looking show, lucky you!) have a great weekend!

  9. Live the background on the Kitty. Not sure about the spot....your eye does go right to it...... My next week sounds like yours. And it is HOT down here in GA😁

  10. I think your cat is so sweet!! Photos always seem to make the colors look much different.
    Have a fun time next weekend!!

  11. I think your rug looks great and the spot too! Looks like you had fun at the zoo, i cant believe what a cutie your grandson is! Enjoy your evening!

  12. Out damned spot! Couldn't resist! I don't know ift I would like him solid so maybe lighter color if you don't like it. Or a few more? Or make it a butt heart? Remove the spot, add a collar? I would keep going if any of these were good, but they will only get worse.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)