Wednesday, September 10, 2014

On the Frame ~

Good evening, dear friends.  It is a wonderful, rainy evening here in northern Ohio.  We so need the rain.  I think I can hear my lawn rejoicing :)  On the other hand, this little miss won't be too happy when it's time to go out.  She HATES to get wet.  (Oops.  Need to wipe her eyes.)
I started hooking this sweet little rug this evening.  I swear I put in on linen a couple months ago, but it is nowhere to be found, so I drew up another one.  I'm sure I'll find the other one soon.  Murphy's Law, you know.  It is a pattern by Polly Minick from her book American Summer.  The pattern called for it to be enlarged 400%, but I did much less, though I don't remember what.  It measures about 10 1/2" x 22 1/2".  Polly's whale is white.  Mine is almost white but there are bits of color in the wool.  It is much lighter than I would normally hook, but it is a gift so I didn't want it too drab looking.

I still haven't decided on the butt spot on my cat mat.  I'm leaning towards changing it.  Kelly suggested changing it to grey, but I couldn't find a grey I thought would work.  I just posted it on Facebook and the consensus seems to be for a change.  I'll keep you posted.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I like the size of that rug. I do like whales. I think it would be so nice to have a rainy night. I bet I could get a lot of hooking done with rain coming down.
    Enjoy your evening.

  2. I love that pattern easy color plan and perfect for over the fireplace

  3. Great start on your rug, love that design.


  4. Love her summer designs; nice start. So many little time! I want to do them all. :)

  5. I like that pattern, I have always wanted to hook a whale rug! Just going to have to do it one of these days!

  6. I love that white wool with the bit of colors. It's perfect for the whale. It looks like an easy and fast project. I agree, it would lovely over the fireplace.


  7. Your choice of color for the whale is great with those flecks of color. I'd also like to hook a whale one day so guess that goes on my long list.

    I thought the cat spot was fine. But me being me may have pulled out one strip from it and added something sorta similar but definitely different. Then it would look like you ran out of a wool and had to use what you had ~ made do.


  8. Hi Lauren, what a wonderful rug, will be fun to hook.Blessings Francine.

  9. Lauren, Knuckles is the same way...have to almost throw him out to go out in the rain...but walk him the rain... that is good... go figure! OLM

  10. Love the wool you are using for the whale !
    Nothing like stitching and hooking when it is raining outside ;)

  11. I like the look of the blue wool you are using for the water.


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