Sunday, September 21, 2014

Gone ~

Another weekend gone in a heartbeat.  I somehow managed to get nothing done.  Not even one loop pulled . . . sigh.
At least I have an excuse for Saturday.  The day started with an antique show.  I purchased this old mirror.  Missing lots of its' silvering . . .

. . . it kind of looks like an old piece of electrical wire was used to hang it.  The best part?  Only $3.00 :)

 I also purchased this old quilt top.  I haven't a clue why.  Some really neat old homespun was used, but it also has some really strange colored fabrics.  Perhaps it is large enough to use as a table covering or maybe it will just be folded and put on a shelf (or in a drawer . . . lol).

Then it was off to Oberlin to work the OPR booth at the Doggie Doo.  This is Bentley, a former OPR pug now living happily in his forever home with mom Ramona.

This handsome guy is a one year old named Roscoe.  Long story short, he was surrendered to me due to divorce, put on Craigslist and given to a pug lover.  She was afraid of who might adopt him and what might become of him since he was free, so she turned him over to Ohio Pug Rescue.  He was one high energy pug.  I don't think I've ever come across a pug as wild as him.  I had to take him to the east side of Cleveland where he is being fostered and will most likely be adopted by his foster mom.  

Today I headed to a fall craft festival.  As I feared, the quality has gone done and many fewer dealers than in previous years.  Still lots of good stuff, but nothing much that I wanted to bring home. 
This afternoon I dyed some more of Emma Lou's putty (old).  I love this color.

Now it's nearing bedtime.  Darn.  These weekends just don't last long enough.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I know what you mean about the weekend flying by but I did enjoy our 3.5 hours together delivering Roscoe to Cleveland Heights.

  2. Luscious looking wool. Never saw a black pug! So he needs an Ativan huh?

  3. I love the mirror and the quilt top is nice. You are such a good person to help those pugs. The weeks go fast but the weekends go faster. That is our life flashing before our eyes.

  4. I love that color of wool too. You find such lovely things. What a cute pup. He does look like he would be great fun. I do hope he finds a happy home. I hope your week flies by as fast as the weekend did.

  5. The mirror would be fun to add a piece to, nice for a frame and the quilt is wonderful, fun to find things like that. Here the quilts are too high and most from the 50's to 80's.


  6. Glad you found some pieces you like and I love that wool too. You sure have an affinity for old things. I wonder what stories they could tell.

    I didn't know that pugs came in black.

    I know what you mean about the weekend going so fast. We're getting older ourselves faster than we think.
    Pretty soon we'll be antique too. lol....

  7. You certainly did do a lot this weekend! Time flies when you're having fun! The wool you dyed is gorgeous!

  8. Busy and fun weekend . What a cute doggie you have such a kind heart! I love the quilt. Hugs cheri

  9. Oh, I'm right there with you. Weekends just go by in the blink of an eye. Those pugs are ADORABLE cute !!

  10. Great finds, adorable Pugs and such wonderful antique tint to your wool!! You sure had a full weekend!!

  11. I've still not settled down and back to normal myself, after a great time at rug camp. But am definitely looking forward to doing some dyeing myself. I loved that recipe that I used in the Cat's Meow rug and thankfully still have more of it left. So I'll do something a little different.


  12. Like the quilt top! The old mirror is nice too and at a great price.
    Hope those doggies find loving forever homes.

  13. Love the old mirror! Wonderful color of many uses for a nice neutral. Sweet pooches!

  14. Hi Lauren, honestly, there are not enough hours to the day!!! the sun sets so early...Love the mirror, a wonderful find...very pretty wool too...Hugs

  15. I've never tried that recipe for Emma Lou's putty - will have to pull my book out - did you start with natural wool? Sounds like you had a great weekend.


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