Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Up North ~

The last few days of our California trip were spent to the north in Sebastopol, visiting with Matt (DSO's younger son) and fiancée Danielle.

They live on an acre in the country where they garden and just got four baby chicks.  Danielle has promised Matt three years of eggs for breakfast. 
Meet Jack, one of their neighbors.
Northern California was much calmer than the LA area.  We took a trip here . . .
. . . and sampled some of this.
Beautiful succulents on the grounds. 

This was the coolest thing.  It is called something like a kinetic wind spinner.  I wish I could figure out where the video is I took of it moving, but I am technologically challenged.  They can be found on Amazon and I sure hope I get one for Christmas . . . HINT, HINT.

We also passed through Bodega on the way to the ocean.  Bodega's claim to fame is that scenes from Hitchcock's The Birds was filmed there.

Charles Schulz lived and is buried in the area, and the airport in Santa Rosa is named in his honor.  A very small airport . . . but one that made you smile.  I wouldn't say that about many other airports.  Air travel is definitely not glamorous.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I didn't know that about the airport, I would go just to check that out. How cute.
    It looks very nice up there. I am so glad you had such a nice time.

  2. OMG, that Helper is In booth is priceless! lol! I want to go to that airport! Looks like a great visit you had. Love seeing all the sights!

  3. What a wonderful trip and so nice to enjoy time with your family and visit some fun places.


  4. You visited parts of No. Ca. That I never saw even tho I,lived,in San Ramon (east bay) for 3 years. Thanks for the tour.


  5. love the the Peanuts! cute airport!

  6. That part of Cali looks like my kind of place!
    Beautiful country, a slower pace.
    The 'wind thing' is fascinating. I'll have to look it up.
    Thanks for a lovely post.

  7. It looks like you had a wonderful trip! The birds was the first scary movie I ever watched so much scarier than the crap they put out now.
    those spinners are at the beach in Maine. My friend wants one pretty pricy

  8. love that spinner, hope one find its' way to you:)

  9. Looks like a great trip. Love the spinner!


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