Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Pennies from Heaven ~

. . . or how I stitched across country.  Before I left on vacation - I cut pennies.  Lots of pennies.  I needed something somewhat portable to work on while on the plane.  I figured sewing pennies would work, and it did (but I did get some very strange looks).  I was even able to take my little scissors with me.  Regulations say scissors with less than a four inch blade can be taken  aboard but it is also at the discretion of the TSA.  My carry on was pulled aside and I was asked if I had anything sharp in it.  Thankfully they let me keep them (and the pumpkin rolls). 
Of course I didn't get nearly as much done as I had hoped.  You'd think for all the time spent in airports and the thousands of miles in the air, I would have gotten so much more done.  I did finish about 75 pennies.

I had cut the backing and sewed these few pennies before leaving, figuring I would get them all done and start on the cross stitch sampler I had taken with me.  HA.  Not even close.

The only mat I finished was the one at the top.  Since returning home I have finished two more of those and the one on the bottom of the picture.

I am half done with this diamond shaped one.  I hope to finish soon because I am getting really sick of stitching pennies :)  I haven't picked up a hook in probably six weeks and am having withdrawal symptoms.   Hopefully this long weekend I will finally start a hooking project.  It's not like I don't have lots of patterns already on linen to choose from.

Finally the reason for all this "penny talk".  I promised a give-away when I wrote my 800th post, so it's finally time.  I will give away one of the little penny mats (third picture, top mat).  As always, my rules are simple.  Leave a comment on this post or send me an email with give-away in the subject line.  If you are not one of my "regulars", please know that YOU MUST CONTACT ME within three days or I will choose someone else.  A winner will be chosen on Monday or Tuesday.  Please do not share this on your blog or Facebook page. 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It is so nice of you to give away one of your beautiful penny mats! I just love them.

  2. That's a whole lotta change. :) Love the neutral colors. Thank goodness those Pumpkin Rolls made it through. Hehe.

  3. I love penny mats.
    You may not have gotten a lot done but they sure are pretty.
    And you had a wonderful time with the pumpkin roll lover.

  4. Lauren, they are sweet. Looks like you and I are in a race to see who can let their hook get the dustiest. Lol.

  5. Lauren,I would love one! :) Denise

  6. Wow girl! That's a lot of pennies!!! I don't guess I've seen a penny rug in progress...I had no idea that is how they made them stick half-way off the!

  7. I took so much to work on on our vacation and didn't even touch a couple of the projects i brought. It's better to have too much to work on than too little!

  8. Love all your pennies! What a great project for traveling.

  9. Beautiful work! I would love to receive one of your penny rugs!

  10. Lauren, you're rich in pennies, wow, that's a lot of pennies...
    I think I'm winning the contest of dust on my hook because I haven't hooked ions. I might have to wait till the snow flies.

    Congratulations on the 800 th posts. I'm not even at 400 yet.
    Have a great weekend.

  11. I love the pennies and congratulations on number 800 ! I love your blog!

  12. Your pennies are so nice. I have really enjoyed stitching my pennies too. I hooked a bit yesterday but I am having withdrawl and really look forward to some serious stitching.
    Except for the guilt of my unbound rugs staring at me. :)
    I won in your time before last giveaway. So I won't enter but I do love your little penny rugs.

  13. Hey Lauren! Maybe it's time to change the name of your blog to Pennies & Pugs!! LOL! I'd love to be included in your sweet giveaway. I love the muted colors! Enjoy the long weekend!!

  14. Hi there, Lauren. I admit I was curious when you announced all the proposed handwork you planned during your jaunt to the other coast. As always "the best laid plans" never end up to our best intentions. But I think that wonderful penny mat will find a great place in my little cottage. Enjoy the long weekend!!

  15. Pennies are a great travel project and it looks like you got a lot done.


  16. Love your pennies as well as everything you do. 800 posts WOW.

  17. Oh my goodness, please put me among the many who are coveting one of these penny mats. With all the work involved in those simply easy looking mats, am surprised you'd even let one go. They are a LOT of work!!!!


  18. I just did a post about pennies too! I love them, but hate to make them. For some reason it just isn't fun for me... so I would love to be entered in your giveaway! 800 posts! Congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment! I think that I may have read them all... :)
    Blessings, Patti

  19. I think whipping up 75 pennies is quite an accomplishment to me! What a nice give away Lauren!

  20. I look forward to your blog. Love your work! Thank you.

  21. Hey Lauren - I never accomplish as much as I think I will when I travel too - but at least I'm prepared! LOL Would love to see the back of your penny rugs to see what they look like - can you share another photo? I love the neutral colors you used on them.

  22. since I've won one of your wonderful giveaways I'm going to pass on my chance. Loved reading all about your visit to California. Guess that's why I didn't remember seeing any Sauder photos. Always look forward to those. Hope you have a great 3 day weekend - Mel

  23. Wow, 800 posts~ that's really an accomplishment! Congrats! love your pugs & your pennies look awesome! Would be thrilled to win one~ thanks for being so generous! Hope you pick up your hook soon so you can feel better! :) Debbie

  24. I hope this goes through, when I tried to sign up it wouldn't go through Lauren. Sign me up please.....fingers crossed.

  25. hiya lauren~have enjoyed your handwork and blog since you started posting in 2009, kind thx for the time and inspiration you've shared. plz toss my name into the lucky hat, absolutely adore your drab prim pennies, they'd fit perfectly into our home. good luck to all!

  26. Love your blog. Always enjoy reading it

  27. Love your pennies, but I'm like you, I'd be having hooking withdrawal symptoms too!

  28. Wow! 800 posts! Unbelievable....and I am just finding your blog.....which I love and will be following! Your penny rugs remind me of the one in my recent post from PA. If I won yours I wouldn't have to make one for Fall....ha.

  29. Love your blog and would love to have the mat!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.


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