Sunday, August 24, 2014

More California ~

 My son Bill (the pumpkin roll lover) and his girlfriend Melisa (one s) on the Redondo Beach pier.

I love this.  It was hanging outside a restaurant.  A great re-purpose for a pallet.

???  I didn't get this.

Laurel and Hardy at the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles.

Muscle Beach.  Venice.  I had a hard time believing the scruffy young guys in green scrubs were really doctors.  Further down the beach, they only charged $30 . . . lol.  No, I did not get my card :)


Some people were so honest.  This sign said, "Spare change 4 weed".  

The Queen Mary in Long Beach.

A carpet aboard ship.  Even DSO asked if it was inspiration for a rug. 
Loocie this morning.  She is just too cute :)

I found this today working in the yard.  Please tell me it isn't so.  Pretty please.  Since returning from vacation, the crickets are loud every evening.  It is now dark when I walk Ellie in the morning and at night.  I am so not ready for fall ~ but I guess I have no choice in the matter . . . sigh.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Looks like you had a great time!

  2. Looks like a great trip. I just had Millie out for her evening "business" and the crickets were out chirping in full force here too.

  3. Looks like you visited lots of fun places, glad you left before the earthquake.


  4. Looks like such a fun trip!! I'm afraid fall is on the way...if it will take away this heat wave, I say, bring it on!! Yes, it's dark in the mornings when I get up to go to work, but not getting dark too awfully early in the evenings YET!!

  5. What fun! I found the same today...
    Blessings, Patti

  6. Awwww.... Loocie is such a sweetie! I think that fish is actually advertising the restaurant.... we have a bakery by where I work that tied a bike to a pole and filled the basket with baguettes.... I'm ready for Fall... bring on the COOL air.... lol... I've had enough humidity and bugs for this year... ;-)

  7. Hey Lauren...looks like you saw some fun and interesting things! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Yes, Loocie is cute! Sadly I have heard and read the Farmer's Almanac (and weathermen) have predicted yet another bad winter this year. Tell me it isn't so!!!!!!!

    I expected lots of bodybuilders and 'pretty' people there more so than weed beggers.


  9. Whoo-hoo! It's a whole other world out there isn't it!
    Glad you had a good trip (no pun intended!) ha-ha!

    No sign of fall here yet so maybe it was just a fluke. We can always hope.

  10. Wow how pretty Venice beach is and how interesting.
    It always has been like that. :)
    Isn't Long Beach pretty?
    I won't tell you what the Farmer's Almanac said yesterday.
    My cousin and his wife live in Ohio. He said there is no way he is staying through another winter.
    We will see. The leaf is really pretty though. I can't wait to see more photos. :)

  11. What a wonderful trip you are having, love to see all the different places. Love the planter too, neat idea.Blessings Francine.

  12. A great photo of Bill and Melisa and Loocie. It looks like a great trip.
    It's been so hot and muggy here that i'm looking forward to cooler and dryer temperatures to work outdoors. I've neglected my gardens and yard terribly this summer and I have tons of weeds all in seed. Maybe I should set up a booth at the end of my driveway and sell them 5 weeds for spare change. lol.



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